
May 01, 2004 08:55

i am soooooo fucking TIRED after yesterday. yesterday did kinda suck but thats okay. michelle and i went to genesse to kick it with the boys and some david fella wanted to meet me but he turned out to be a retard. ross is also being a lil dick fuck. when i got there they was all playin basketball so MIC and me got in that action she was good i'd seen better days. but never the less fuckin malichi's dad nailed me in the face lol it was funny. i've never laughed so hard but thats okay some lil short chick was there with a major receeding hairline and some bad eyebrows and if you know heidi you know bad eyebrows=no no no no bad bad!!!! so anywho after ross bailed after only kickin it like an hour and a half with me which he really wasnt kickin it with me he was playin basektball! he decides to leave so then me and tanner and michelle decide to go to moscow and malichi and the short bitch show up like a few hours early and of course tanner didn't wanan leave yet so i had to drive him home at like 1 in the morning i didnt mind but i donno just lonely thats it. i guess hmmm i donno what to say. lucky michelle who has someone.

so mic's bday party ohhh its gonna be off the fucking handle. i am so stoked i still need to get lots of shit in order. i cant wait to get her her present its a $(@^ *#$% #(!& #(@& &#@$ @#$& haha bet chyou dont know what it is huh michelle yeah well i do hell yes sir dear cane sir.

there is not a soul online and i am mucho bored after my father's party today that was fun but i was a tad tired so i just had a mikes hard lemonade and a jack n coke. hmmm oh i wish i had lots of money but i dont have no money :( *tear* lol i bet michelles with tanner right now cuz she's not online so either she went to SM which i was fuckin beat her ghetto ass in if she did or she's in genesse and i'll just smile and laugh if she is cuz i'd much rather her go see tanner then clark...go figure clark's tranmission went out in his car. how convient. but he just better not be hatin on my dodge cuz look whose car hasn't broke down yeah thats right god dammit dont talk shit unless you can back it up and obviously clark you cannot bah i dont like that kid. at least tanner cares about makin people happy like michelle said which clark didnt and if any of ya'll fuckin big mouthed people are like guess what michelle said iw ill hunt you down and eat you grinded into my breakfast bacon. ya got that?

today at worked totally sucked. we just had bitchy ass customers and i wanted to scream but of course nice heidi was just kickin it and smilin. but i met a guy i really lik ebut hehe i aint gonna tlak about him cuz its none of ya'll business lol nah i dont really care he's so sweet and laughs at like everything i said so lol that works for me. agh i cant fuckin believe ross was hatin on my neon i was like bitch please i'd much rather drive my neon over your fuckin cavalier piece of chevy shit. well im done

~¤you see through, right to the heart of me. you break down my walls with the strength of your love. i never knew love life i've know it with you¤~
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