Hm. Strong = Good???

Dec 09, 2009 12:03

So. Nightmares are back. This sucks. I'm stuck, I can't move, I try to scream and nothing comes out. Same old, same old. Hadn't happened in a while. Kinda hoped that was all behind me.

She says it's because I identify my strength as the "bitch" part of me. When I was growing up, being strong was not a good thing. It was severely frowned upon. Strength equaled trouble. Trouble equaled abuse. Vicious crap. It was acceptable to be weak. To be controlled.

Bitch is a negative term. That's why I have always called the strong part of me "the bitch." I'm needing to shed the negatives associated with being strong. New name needed. She suggested Warrior. Not bad, maybe a little cliche. Much better than "survivor" (a word I hate). Survivor announces to the world that you are/were a victim. I've heard people say they prefer thriving to surviving. Whatever. Thrive, survive. I need more. I want to fight, so maybe warrior fits.

Interesting field of work I chose. Men who are assertive are considered strong and tough. Women who are assertive are called bitches. Why do some people have problems with a strong woman?


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