do you spell your name with one n or two. it makes a very big difference to those that are drunk

Jun 12, 2006 20:08

so i am staying here until july 28th. i am supposed to be in milan preparing for a flight home right now but instead i am watching the sunset over the alps. oh my......

needless to say, i have been having an absolute blast here. i love it i love it i love it. i have been really pushing myself, physically, mentally, emotionally. i love adelboden, i love the chalet, i love my new friends, i love the alps. i have been hiking a lot and my legs have become huge. im in shape, healthy, and happy. i have a crush on a swiss boy named renato. i got drunk with the woodcarvers son carl. i ran from the village to the chalet topless. ive danced several nights away. i climbed to the top of a mountain by myself and crawled through the snow on my hands and knees (well aware of the huge risk i was taking). i met a really cute swiss guy on the top of the said mountain and he gave me his number. i slept on the trampoline one night. i rode in the back of our milk mans truck. ive done tequila shots with half the village. ive made friends with most of the cats of adelboden. i led 90 people on a hike to the previously mentioned wood carver. ive made friends with people from honduras, ireland, arizona, argentina, denmark, finland. i wake up every day to one of the most beautiful places on earth. needless to say, i have been having some great times here and i do not regret my decision to kiss my june 13th departure date goodbye.

as someone very wise once told me... home will always be there. and it will. ive spent 18 summers in oak creek and 0 in switzerland.

so you can see how the decision to stay here was really not that difficult.

but i DO miss everyone from back home soooooooo much. keep in touch, guys. ill be seeing you in july.
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