Title: Mud on the Stars
Pairing(s): Sam/Castiel, OC's with various minor SPN characters, such as Patrick the manwitch/OC (sorta), Lucky the dog shapeshifter/OC, OC's with other OC's, Crowley should pop up somewhere eventually.
Word count: 6,560 (this part)
Rated: PG-13 right now
Warnings: Character death, monsters, abuse of artistic license is likely
Notes: This is a WIP. I know, that's a scary thing. I started writing it over Christmas. The idea was basically You know what would be hot? Sam/Castiel prison fic. That would be awesome. Now... how do I make that happen? So I made stuff up and things were written and I like it, but it's been hanging out on my computer with no one to love it, so I decided to post it. Which I suppose is one of those iffy kind of things because it's a WIP, but here it is anyway.
It was winter and they were in Montana that year, the year that Dean died and stayed dead.