Will you be........my beta?

Feb 11, 2012 12:47

I'm working on a medium-length oneshot right now, and can't seem to find any Sastiel fans to beta for me.

If you have time and interest, please see under the cut for all you need to know.

Title: None yet
Genre: AU-ish, H/C, smut eventually
Pairings/Characters: Sam/Cas, Dean, mention of Crowley
Help needed: clearness, voice and characterization helper
Length: 8k so far
Spoilers: Season 6-7
Short Summary: Dean refuses to deal with Castiel's dissapearance other than with alcohol, so Sam tries to cope on his own by writing letters. Future!fic sort of because it deals with Castiel's return.

Thanks in advance ♥

cas, sam/castiel, sam winchester, fanfic, angst, au, dean is a delicate flower, dean where what dean

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