Hipsters Do It Better

Aug 12, 2011 19:49

Title: Hipsters Do It Better
Author: perfumaniac
Pairing: Sam/Castiel pre-slash, Balthazar/Castiel implied
Word Count: 1192
Rating: PG-13 at best
Warnings: This is a total AU. TOTAL AU.
Spoilers: If you know who Balthazar is, you're good.
Author's Note: Written for sassy_otp's 31 Little Abominations challenge. I WROTE THIS IN 40 MINS. I know the ending is completely abrupt and makes NO SENSE, but if I continued I would have had to write about all of Sam's angst and then Castiel's awesomeness and it would have been a LONG FIC. I'M SO SORRY. Special super duper thanks to akadougal, obstinatrix and annundriel for being SUPER FAST AND SUPER AWESOME BETA'S EVER. Thank you soooo much you guys.

It was the first big paper of the year for Sam. As excited as he had been to finally arrive in Cambridge and walk around the Harvard Yard for the first few weeks, taking in sights that he never thought he’d get to see up close, it was now time to buckle down. Dean had made fun of him for that entire month, calling him a total nerd for wanting to go inside the Harvard libraries and even offered a new BMW from the showroom to “get him away from nerdville for a bit” with no results. Sam loved Cambridge with its old streets and new trends and loved the atmosphere of Harvard, a blend of old traditions and new rules. After slaving away for four years at Stanford, Sam was finally at Harvard Law and it was time for the first big paper.

And Sam was ready for it. He had requested roughly two dozen books from the Law Library the moment his professor had agreed the topic was good to write. He had checked his thesis five times and double checked the references and now he was going to go to the Law library and pick up all his books and ace the damn paper. He had two months to write this and this will be the best damn paper ever seen because Sam would make sure of that. Nothing was getting in his way of getting the four credits and acing the paper. Nothing. Definitely not cute European girls and boys in tight skinny jeans.

Sam was rushing through the Harvard Yard to get to the Law Library to check out all his books, when he saw a dark haired guy slumped against the side of the building, smoking. He looked so thoroughly down and pensive that Sam couldn’t help but slow down and approach the guy. The guy barely spared a look for Sam and continued with his silent brooding over Kafka (In Sam’s opinion only existentialists look that thoroughly bored with life)

“You know you can’t really smoke here,” Sam said, with half concern.

The guy shrugged, “Didn’t have anything else to do.”

From up close, the guy’s dark hair revealed itself to be even more unruly than it looked from afar. The oversized t-shirt did nothing to hide the flat abs and lean legs covered by skinny tight jeans but Sam barely noticed because he couldn’t take his eyes away from the guy’s bow shaped lips and the bluest eyes he’d ever seen.

“You can’t get in without a Harvard ID anyways,” the dude carried on.

Sam pulled his ID out and dangled it in front of the dude. “You mean like this ID?”

Before he could even blink, the ID was snatched out of his hands, leaving Sam blinking in surprise.

“Sam Winchester,” the guy read, sneaking Sam a look. “Law School, first year, human moose.”

Sam had never been this impressed or fascinated. “How’d you know that? The ID doesn’t say anything but my name.”

The guy shrugged,“No one but first years look like they’re about to run the Boston Marathon trying to get to the library.”

“Well I feel violated now,” Sam declared as the ID was handed back to him. “I think the only way you can make it up to me is by giving me your name and number.”

“Of course you do,” the guy said. “Castiel Novak, Undergrad at MIT, Physical Chemistry major.”

That made Sam’s eyebrows rise. “So you’re 18? Aren’t classes going on right now?”

“I’m 21 actually, last year of undergrad.” Castiel dropped his cigarette and crushed it under some very hipster chucks.

“Shouldn’t you be in there obsessing over your credit paper?”

“Actually, I’m wondering why a MIT senior would skip classes and roam outside the Harvard Law Library.”

Castiel leaned way into Sam’s personal space. “I’m conducting an experiment,” he whispered right in Sam’s ear, “About the physical chemistry I can have with tall, handsome guys.”

Sam’s knees almost buckled.

“That can’t be right,” he said while steadying himself against the library wall. “I never get this lucky.” (Sam’s assumption came from the lack of a proposal from his former obsession Robert Pattinson)

“Hey Cas!” a voice called from behind Sam

“Gotta jet,” said Castiel.

“Hey, wait,” Sam yelled out but Castiel was already running out in the Yard.

It wasn’t like Sam was obsessed with Castiel. It was just that it had been an interesting meeting, and now Sam was interested. An interest that had nothing to do with lots of angsting and a chafed dick from jerking off so often. Sam had tried going to the Law Library at the same time for a couple weeks but Castiel never came back; he’d even tried waiting outside of MIT’s Chem building but he was not short enough to escape the security guard’s notice. Once, he saw Castiel with a group of people inside John Harvard’s, but by the time he got there they were all gone.

The universe had given Sam a gorgeous, blue eyed, slutty man and then unfairly taken him away. This drove Sam to drinking and singing. Dean was not above making excuses about staying late at the showroom and leaving Sam alone in his misery, so Sam took to singing sad songs at the mirror.

Sadly, the only sad songs Sam knew were N’SYNC.

A month later, Sam attended a seminar on the changes in US law based on scientific progress, when he noticed a dark haired guy right at the corner of his eye. For a very long time Sam had hoped all dark haired guys were Castiel, but he squashed the hope in his chest and turned to the side to say hi.

Turned out it really was Castiel, sitting there in his hipster skinny jeans and a large t-shirt with the blond dude Sam vaguely remembered as the guy Castiel left with weeks ago.

“Castiel,” Sam dimpled warmly, reaching over the blond dude to get Castiel’s attention. “Long time no see.”

“Sam,” Castiel whispered, eyes widening. “Hi.” His friend looked annoyed.

Cas nodded to the front of the room. The professor was in the middle of an anecdote that Sam had clearly missed the beginning of, so Sam quieted down. But he had no interest in the seminar now; he just wanted to talk to Castiel alone again. Unfortunately, every couple minutes the blond dude would turn and glower at him, apparently totally pissed at Sam ignoring him.

Sam finally offered his hand. "I'm Sam, by the way."

He got a crushing grip in response. “Balthazar.”

“Did you know that your friend was conducting sex experiments outside the Law Library?” Sam whispered.

The dude visibly stiffened and glowered extra hard at Sam. “My boyfriend wasn’t conducting any experiments. His father is the Law department head, and Cas was waiting for him.”

“Oh,” Sam said. “Your boyfriend,” he added. “That’s nice. I’m happy for you,” he continued, standing up. “Look at time. I have to go. I have a very important engagement with a bottle of vodka and a mirror.”

“Sam,” Castiel said, but Sam didn’t turn around.

rating:pg-13, fanfic, cas & sam sitting in a tree, this post is now diamonds, little abominations

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