31 Little Abominations!

Jun 28, 2011 12:18

Banner made by the lovely and talented probing_grays

Let's make this August the Sassiest August ever!

Every day in August sassy_otp will host brand-new fic, art, vids, fanmixes, picspams, meta - whatever you want! Just claim a day and make it your own!

BTW, we totally stole this idea from dc_fireplace because, well, we thought it was a cool idea.

The Rules!

1. You may post your own, original, complete work when your posting day rolls around. No Works-In-Progress! You may post your chaptered fic in its entirety on your posting day, but don't post something that isn't finished.

2. When your posting date comes, your material must be fresh and new, meaning it hasn't been posted elsewhere before. You may post the material to your own journal and link to it from your post in the comm, as long as it's unlocked and posted specifically for your posting date. You may also cross-post your material to other communities after your posting date has passed.

3. If you have signed up for a day and you think you may not be able to make your post after all, please let a mod know ASAP. If your date comes and goes without any word from you, you will not be able to participate in any sassy_otp challenges in the future, and that would be sad :(.

4. This community is a celebration of Sam, Castiel and their friendship (and occasionally their friendship with benefits). All fanworks should focus on their relationship. Slash, pre-slash and gen fic is welcomed, provided Sam and Castiel are the central characters.

5. Everything needs to be appropriately labeled with a rating and warnings for NSFW and/or triggery material.

6. Graphics and fics longer than a drabble should be placed behind an lj-cut. You may use preview images, but keep the size reasonable - don't go breaking anyone's layout.

7. If you have a question, reread the rules once and if you still don't have your answer, comment here and either 13chapters or emerald_embers will get back to you as soon as possible!

Sign-Up Period: June 28th - whenever all days are filled

Posting Dates: August 1st 2011 - August 31st 2011

Submissions: Fic, icons, wallpapers, fanart, manifestos, vids, mood themes, etc. - absolutely anything that shows your love for Sassy!

Signing up: To sign up, comment to this post with the following:

Date Requested (1st and 2nd choice, in case your 1st is already taken):
Contribution(s): (Fic/Graphics/Vid/Essay/Other) - you are welcome to change your mind later as to what you'll be posting on your day, or to give a few options as to what you might post. This is just so we have a rough idea of what to look forward to!

Once you've been granted your day, write it down! The mods will not be sending out reminders - you are responsible for remembering which day you signed up for!

For now, you may only sign up for one day. If we get closer to the beginning of August and there are still open slots, you may sign up for an additional day after your first has passed.

Posting Dates:

August 1st - freakgeeknation ( fic - And I you)
August 2nd - 13chapters ( fic - How to Date an Angel in 140 Characters or Less)
August 3rd - kilynn16 ( fanmix - I'll Take My Time)
August 4th - verucasalt123 ( fic - Shone Round About Him)
August 5th - hils ( fic - To Forgive, Divine)
August 6th - callowyn ( art - Couples Counseling)
August 7th - mangacrack ( fic - Breath and come back again)
August 8th - pesha ( fic - the truth is in our natures)
August 9th - weirdwednesday (fic)
August 10th - belledewinter ( art and drabble - Right Back Down To The Earth)
August 11th - thedreamisreal (fic)
August 12th - perfumaniac ( fic - Hipsters Do It Better)
August 13th - sherrilina ( fanmix/graphic - You Belong with Me: A ~SASSY~ Mix)
August 14th - ratherastory ( fic - Myself Reflected In You)
August 15th - probing_grays ( art - Even Angels of the Lord Sometimes Meet Their Match in Salads)
August 16th - mwmm23 ( vid - Strange and Beautiful)
August 17th - morganoconner ( fic - Second Chances)
August 18th - mizumimi ( vid - Eli Eli (lama sabachthani))
August 19th - oddlyfamiliar ( fic - Never Ask Dean Winchester For Advice)
August 20th - hsapiens ( icons - favorite Sam/Castiel scenes from season 4-6)
August 21st - tawg ( fic - Movie Logic part one, part two)
August 22nd - orbiting_saturn ( fic - i've given up thinking, since feeling is first)
August 23rd - race_the_ace ( fic/soundtrack - The Correlation of Salvation and Love)
August 24th - glassyskies ( fic - When I Forget)
August 25th - daggomus_prime ( art - seething)
August 26th - obstinatrix ( fic - No Tell Motel)
August 27th - Redacted at author's request, 25/05/2016.
August 28th - zempasuchil ( fic - Knifepoint)
August 29th - puchuupoet ( fic - 11:11)
August 30th - smallearthcat ( fic - Come to Me)
August 31st - insatiablegrit ( fic - Angels Can't Drive '67s)


rainbows are confused about the bondage, sassy gave me carpal tunnel, sassy kisses taste like sunshine, sam is gonna put a ring on it, !mod post, sassy gives you wings, the hair is half the pair, every love story is about sassy, i am dedicated to sassy_otp, my virginity would belong to sassy, is anyone even awake?, august is the sassiest month, my heart belongs to sassy_otp, cas & sam sitting in a tree, sassiteers=awesome, omg!, sassiteers are talented bitches, sam can kill you with his brain, sassy is canon, this post is now diamonds, little abominations

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