May 07, 2005 02:42
Hello hello. So today I had to work from 3-10 and wasnt planning on going out after but I did! I met up with gina, kate, and Ljo and listened to this guy..jason? tell us about himself...I dont even know. Everyone was kinda tired and wanted to head home so I dropped some ppl off. Then randomly Monty(not my brother but a different monty) and I hung out untill 2:30am. We conqured some scary things. We went to the golf course to ring the bell and walked all the way to the water. No ghost appeared. And it wasnt too scary. Then he thought it was a good idea to go to a grave yard. So we did...and oh my god... we were walking done the path and up ahead I saw someone. And that did it for me. I was back at the car so fast! It was actually pretty scary! It might have been the night-watch person but who knows. I didnt stay long enough to figure that out. Then we went to Timmy Ho's. Nothing like to finsh a night off with good old timmy's. Well its almost 3:00 and I'm so tired so Im off to bed.. Night all.