Going so soon!!!

Jun 01, 2005 19:05

Haven't updated in a while. So I am leaving really soon...June 10th!!! I am getting really excited. And now I have a digital camera to take with me...I still need to learn how to put pics on LJ. I hope the trip will be good. I mean how many times do people get to experience this?!?! This weekend should be fun. I'm hopefully seeing Victor tomorrow and then performing with the gals. Yesterday I sang, like full out sang infront of my Mom and sister for the first time in so long. It was weird to just give it and sing out like that. I forgot I had it in me to be honest. I don't have a good voice or anything but just singing a song that you love and being happy with it is a cool feeling. Rach I just want to say again, thanks so much for playing piano for me and everyone. p.s your hair looks so HOT! Looking forward  to Evening of Dance on Friday night. What is the plan after the show? I think partay!!! Oak Bay Tea Party this weekend. I'm sad its not as good any more. Maybe because I am growing up but also cause they are taking away good rides like the zipper and there are no more fireworks! Still not sure what I am doing in September. Could go to Camo and possibly play volleyball there again. But I'm not sure if thats what I want to do. I really want to go to Paris! I wish I knew what I wanted to do with my life. I feel pressured to know right away with my career choice. Thinking about september is making me feel lost. But I'm sure I'll figure out something. Everything happends for a reason right?? Well thats all for now.

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