Man in the Mirror... My heart showing itself.

Sep 23, 2007 20:20

Right, journal entry for the hell of it today. No, my thoughts lately have alot of explaining to do for themselves and I seek to make myself a better person, to strive to achieve my best goals. But lately life has been almost too good, I'm content at work (well mostly!), my life seems to have reached a point that I know whereever I go I will not be alone. I love myself for who I am, for what I am and for what I've done.

Anyway, I promised myself I would write a quick entry and then go on to bed with my book! :) But I do just want to say, with the events lately happening to those in my life- I'm grateful for what I have and the choices that worked out the way they did. Some things I'll be curious about my whole life, but it will work itself out in an odd way. I know it always does.

My hear bares the truth, my heart bares so much that has happened to it..The scares left on it are innumberable, and for me uncountable. They hurt in the darkest hours of the nights, they remind me of things that I wanted at one point, and refused to give up. Now they are just simple reminders that unanswered prayers are usually the best. I cry for what could have been, I crave for the things that should have been, and will die for what has become. My heart, my soul relfect the changes within the decades of my life- and the only thing I know, is my heart is safe now. It won't have to suffer from being harmed again...

This is my prayer to those out there who have known me in my lifetime and I've lost touch with and for those that over the years have stood beside me and even now are still there- May your life be filled with the simple joys of love, may you be able to have someone to call your own, may you have everything you want in life..

I've let go of some in my life and others I'm hanging onto throughout the ages, I hope you guys are always there, and if you are there now, I promise you, there is a reason I call you friend.

I love you..

friends, life

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