I was gonna do a blog instead...

Aug 13, 2007 20:23

200: My name is
Charlotte Theresa Elaine Brooks

199: I was born on
14 October 1984 @ 2.42 in the morning.

198. I am
somewhere between awake and asleep.... and thinking my kitchen needs cleaning.

196. My eye color is
blue- gray...

195. My ears are
listening to WoW and Amanda Marshall.

194. My crush is
sitting to my left playing World of Warcraft (stom spelletjes!)

193.My favorite color is
black and pink.

192. My height is
5.3"or for those that don't comprehend 1.63 m.

191. I am allergic to
everything! (Lots honestly- Its just started in the last years.)

190. I live in
Leidschendam Netherlands

189. Last book I read
was ages ago! But currently trying to finish one..

188. My bed time is
midnight or so.. I don't like staying up too late when I have to work the next day.

187. First Screen name?
lylas_friend I shared it with one of my best friends.

179. My favorite Holiday is
Any holiday I get presents.

178. Least favorite Holiday is
Holidays I have to work.

177. The perfect Kiss
is when you know it is right! Almost every time....

176. Last time I cried was
Last week when I found out about my Pop?

172. My most treasured possession(s) is (are)
Materially- my rings, my bracelets. Emotionally- the feeling of unconditional love I realize more every day that I have.... Mentally- my memories.

170. What did you do last night
Last night? Helped my supervisor move into his new Flat, ate Chinese and then stayed online until after midnight.

167. My skin's reaction to the sun is
Depends on if I have been laying in the tanning bed or not... Mostly yes though. I tan.

:::::I Do (YES)/Do Not (NO) Believe In:::::
143. Santa - Sure- its fun.
142. Love at First Sight - I believe in lust at first site, but love comes from something deeper than that after getting to know each other through the good times and the bad.
141. Luck - Nope- its all skill. :)
140. Fate - Sure- I believe my life has happened for a reason.
139. God - YES.
138. Aliens - Sure- why would He have created only us?
137. Heaven - uhhuh
136. Hell - again uhhuh
135. Ghosts - Yup.. Too much so.
134. Horoscopes - They are fun and sometimes too real....
133. Soul mates - Definitely.
132. Terrorists - No- why give them that satisfaction?

::::: Which is Better?:::::
129. Hugs or Kisses - Definitely both.
128. Drunk or High - I prefer drunk but I don't like it too often.
127. Phone or online - Online- then I have more time to do other things.
121: Boys or Girls - I'm dating a guy; but girls are sometimes my best friends.
120. Night or Day - Depends on what I'm doing.
119. Oranges or Apples - Both :)
118. Curly or Straight hair- Lately its neither- its just up...

:::::What comes to your head ?:::::
116. Scary - Loosing someone I Love.
115. Back stabbers - Not sure...
114. Parents - I have both!
113. School - Only in my online course at the moment.

:::::Last time?::::::::
103. Missed someone - lately? My family in Mississippi.
102. Hugged someone - a few seconds ago when I bugged Remco.
101. Saw someone - Who did I see?

90. Who's the ditziest person you know?
Hah! Myself! Or Martine :)

89. Who makes you laugh the most?
My Remco.

87. One thing I'm mad about right now?
My kitchen has little seeds all over it from someone who didn't clean up their mess.

83. The last movie I saw in the theater was?
Eh not sure- Its a tie.. I've seen several.

82. The thing(s) I don't understand is/are?
Life. It does what it wants to.

79. The one thing I love about the opposite sex is?
Eyes. The darker the eyes- the easier it is to get me to be a pushover.

78. This summer?
Has been great even if we really haven't had one!

76. Something I will really miss when I leave?
Eh- am not going anywhere until October! But if I ever left NL I'd miss Remco- otherwise I miss my Walmarts from the States or being around English all of the time.

::::::what are you doing?:::::::

73. Tomorrow?
Work and then going to Scheveningen to see Fantastic 4: Rise of the Silver Surfer.

72. Today?
Work and nothing :) I love it.

56. My zodiac sign is
Ik ben een Libra! :)

55. The first person you were/are in true love with
I'm in love with Remco- does that say enough?

53. The one person who I can't hide things from?

51. Right now I am talking to
Noone.... Heh.....

52. I have/will get a job at/with
I have a damn good job at BIE International BV (www.bie-international.com) but I want to work with a bigger company eventually! I'm officially a logisitics officer.

47. I have a pet

46. I hope
to eventually finish my dutch studies (Ik ben lui met mijn Nederlands pratten. I'm lazy with speaking my Dutch) and to finish my business degree.

45. The best sound in the world
is hearing I love you and knowing they mean it without a doubt.

44. The person that made/makes you cry the most
Made: Take a guess.
Makes: Noone at the moment.

35. Florida or Hawaii
I've basically grown up in Florida so let's say Hawaii for this one! And Alaska!

31. First Pet
Don't remember.

28. The school I go/went to
I graduated Walnut High School and finished my NT1 of Dutch at Mondriaan.

27. Last person I got mad at
Remco prolly or Tim (my supervisor) at work.

26. My worst drinking experience was
Let's don't go there.

22. The all-time best movie is
Oooh..... Dirty Dancing.

21. The all-time best thing in the world is
Being loved.

20. So, about them Canadians
Very different from Americans but similar as well.

19. So the most annoying thing ever
Eh nails on chalkboard.

18. The most annoying person you know is
Eh good one... Several.

17. I lose all respect for people who
Lie and don't keep their promises.

16. I hate

15. I love

14. My favorite day is
A day I don't have to work.

13. My Favorite Month(s) is/are

12. My Favorite Band
Oh man- Nickelback and Bon Jovi!

11. The worst pain I ever felt.
Pain from my wreck- pain from having my IUD wasn't much better.

10. My favorite phrase
Minge! ( don't ask!)

9. My room is
Where I sleep.

8. My favorite actress is
Ain't got one.

7. my favorite actor is
depends on what I"m watching. :)

6. My pants
I'm in my sleeping clothes...

5. My weakness is/are
Eh- good one- Chocolate/coffee, dark eyes to match, sun and sand, a good book, and hot tea. :)

4. What makes me hyper
Red Bull...

3. Who broke your heart
Hah- like I'd actually answer this here!

2. I filled out 200 questions because
I didn't wanna actually focus on one thing!

1. Who will repost this
I dunno, I aint to sure I care either! :)
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