Feb 08, 2010 12:31
I downloaded a new online game called WonderKing, its one of those like Maplestory, that is free unless you buy the cool upgrades. So far I think Wonderking is decent, though I feel bad about killing the mobs in it because they are so cute and make funny faces when they die. I like that it has fewer group missions than Dragonica Online, at least so far. Though it does seem that there is very little in the way of armor choices.
I started giving Sebastien yogurt to hopefully help out with his yeast infections in his ear. I can't seem to get rid of it and keep it away. So far I have noted that the yogurt helps with his eye that tends to water more than the other. Its caused by a narrow tearduct in his eye, which is common in Poodles and other small dogs. I was surprised that it helped with that.
I am back to playing WOW again, leveling up my hunter. I am really liking the new random dungeon group finder. The dungeons also seem to have been shortened and they last more like 20-30 minutes, instead of what was usually an hour previously. They got rid of a lot of trash mobs and made it a lot better IMO.
This coming weekend my mom and I are going to the Salem Antique and Collectable sale to put some stuff up for sale. We have lots of random stuff plus my little clay creatures. Tables are only $20 so its not too spendy. My mom loves to have garage sales so this is a good extension of that. Hopefully we will sell more than we did last month. I am taking 2 boxes of paperbacks, I could take them to the used bookstore but since I don't do book exchanges with them anymore now that I buy ebooks pretty much exclusively it is more worth while to sell them outright. So if you want some romance and sci-fi fantasy books they are $1 a piece. Hopefully I can unload a good bit of them.