Sep 13, 2009 17:30
I have tree kangaroos on the brain apparently. I have been playing with images of them in gimp, I will have to post some later.
I trimmed Sebastiens hair on his head and ears, and I swear I got enough hair to make Sebastien a wig of his own.
I recently got a new bioplast belly button ring and so far it seems to be working well. Its comfortable and so far it hasn't caused an infection, its a bit irritated but I think that is more from putting in jewelry after a year of not wearing any. Bioplast is not supposed to be used on new piercings, meaning ones under a year old. Mine is over 10 years old and so it is considered safe to use. Though from what I have read some people have a bad reaction to them, but that is fairly normal in the sense that people can also have a bad reaction to regular body jewelry made of surgical steel and titanium.