Talis and Mystic had their yearly vaccinations yesterday. As per the usual, Talis has everyone there wrapped around his paw. He made out with FOUR of the huge-arsed dog treats they have there, AND he talked the tech into letting him have a drink out of the faucet in the exam room. Both of them are doing well health-wise. Talis is maintaining weight, which is good for his aging bones. If he were to -gain- weight, he'd be in dire straights since his legs and hips are already having issues with supporting him. Mystic, too, is maintaining her weight - which the doctor says is mildly surprising considering she's getting up there in age and cats tend to get lazier and lazier as they get older.
The new flavor pages (thirteen of them!) are up an running on the
lip balm site. I am especially excited about the Chamomile Apple... and the Polynesian Red is to die for. Black Pepper is surprisingly versatile; it'll make a nice little addition to the collection. I've spent the day sorting out the pages and paring down the already-there lists to stuff that actually sounds appealing as opposed to mix and match with everything i had. It took all day to get everything sorted... and my eyes are bugging out at reading code. *chuckle*
Now... dinner. Huuuungry.