~*~ Only when life becomes dark enough can you see the stars ~*~

Jan 07, 2011 14:50

10th November: I could not sleep, I felt zombie-like, maybe it's the change of weather causing this bout of insomnia (& a 6-week-old babybat living with us may have a bit to do with it too)...

18th November: Winter and I are now both sick with an awful cold: I feel so sorry for my poor little gothling heart -- she sounds very clogged up with horrid mucous. Oy Vey!

November: We had a huge celebration for Winter's arrival into the world at Andrea's place which was a huge success. We decorated the house with a huge sign with Winter's name in gothic font pinned to the wall and there were ladybugs and wings decorating it together with a big bat, some blood banners on either side and some red and black balloons. The theme of the party was black and red and it looked great. We had a marque in the back yard too, with tables with black tablecloth and fake cherries on each table (just for decoration). Inside was red table cloth and scattered stars on the tables as well as some pumpkins with candy in them on a couple of other tables for the kids to eat. I also had a guest book although not many people wrote in it unfortunately and we had some eyeball candles and bat banners in the other room too. It looked mighty fine! Also, Winter wore a warm black growsuit and occasionally a lace top hat (when I bothered to put it on her). As for me and Brett, we certainly got gothed up. I made sure I dressed in red and black with a red mini-top hat, a red bunched up taffeta overskirt, a longsleeve black top which had red embroidered roses on it, red fingerless fishnet gloves etc. But it was amazing to see all my friends again and thank you everyone for all the gifts which I am still overwhelmed about - wow, are we fortunate to have so many family friends, friends, relatives that care about Winter. Wow! Still can't believe it all.

4th December: I am enraptured with today's shopping escapades: 2 vintage, glittery, lace fans; corset-like top; Spiderman Lamp for Winter; black & white stripey fabric; & hardback Sylvia Plath book! Luckily I had my parasol & hat too -- the mighty orb is strong!

6th December: Yesterday we went for a leisurely stroll down Acland St to 7apples with Winty (decadent Mars Bar & Cherry flavour: best ice-cream ever)! I also started a couple of sewing projects today - all in all a soothing Sunday.

In December we went to a Gothic Parents picnic event in Carlton Gardens. Unfortunately due to the weather no one really turned up except for 3 other people. But Brett and I and little Winter* enjoyed ourselves anyway and we still strolled the gardens and had lunch that we had prepared etc.

Also in December: I finally met everyone at Brett's workplace as I was invited to their annual Christmas BBQ together with Winter. It was lots of fun, the people are lovely, genuinely friendly and caring and the food was just fantastic and delicious. I recently baked white chocolate and raspberry cupcakes as well as plain chocolate cupcakes with Evanescence playing in the background... I brought these cupcakes the BBQ which everyone loved.

Our anniversary 24th December: Recently it was our 4 year anniversary of matrimonial magic: Our love never dies! "I give you life eternal. Everlasting love. The power of the storm. And the beasts of the earth" (Dracula) And to celebrate we went to a special little shop for the first time - Brett bought me some striped black and white stockings with playing card symbols on them (like spades, hearts etc) as well as a deck of special little cards which we intend to use together. Also, we reaffirmed our vows and lit some candles which we do every year! Brett also bought me a Nightmare Before Christmas t-shirt for our anniversary - it's really gorgeous, it is bright red with Jack Skellington and pumpkins on it and a swarm of bats and Sally etc. Plus he also bought me some flocked Rosetta monogram cards that have the letter "S" in gothic design on it in black velvet and it comes in its own little case! Simply adorable! I just love it. I scanned it too and use it as my logo. I bought Brett lots of things for his birthday and our anniversary - two big fat bags of stuff to be exact. He loved it all. I had been buying and collecting it all year.

The New year's eve party at Nerdhaus was so much fun - I really also appreciated the fact that they allowed us to bring Winter along. Winter basically slept through everything but at the start people were holding her, especially Aunty Mara who was very good with her and who has lots of experience with children. It was so good to socialise and see all our friends again and to drink some champagne and not worry about anything for a little while. It really was a relaxing night.

Other Prominent Notations:
I just finished watching the 1931 version of "Dracula" (I watch DVDs at 2am at the moment)! I adored Bela Lugosi's voice, accent and acting! He's the best! Also the crappy special effects with fake bats and spiders & armadillos - hilarious! Still enchantingly eerie & I love the atmosphere of black and white films.
I spent the afternoon doing the dreaded ironing with episodes of Addams Family TV show on in the background (from the DVD boxset)!
I have been reading fairytales & other books to Winter; she particularly likes Snow White & Dr Suess! At first she didn't really pay attention but liked to touch the pictures. But now she is starting to pay more attention and even grabs the book but she usually slams the book shut rather than turning any pages.
I recently watched "Cirque du Freak: The Vampire's Assistant": a fun, entertaining flick! 6/10 stars!
I have been sewing a few doilies/teapot holders while listening to the charming Emilie Autumn while Winty chills out in her rocker!
Winter giggled for the first time at 8 weeks and smiled for the first time at about 7 weeks! At 8 weeks old Winter slept over 6hrs at night; and now she sleeps over 9hrs at night. Yay! What a good lil darkling!
One Sunday In December we had a delightful day with Rach, Paul & charming Charlie - thanks again for your hospitality - Winty felt very comfy!! :)
Wow, the Edward Scissorhands soundtrack (Danny Elfman score) relaxes & soothes Winter (she stopped crying too)...
Recently I brewed a pot of tea while watching "Pretty in Pink" -- it's actually a better & deeper movie than I thought it would be (I haven't seen it for years & couldn't remember much about it).
I think Winter is teething already. I don't know for sure!
Recently I have been sewing merrily with 80's gothy music videos in the background... Divine!
I delight in pegging up miniature clothes on the clothesline, especially the itty bitty little socks (so cute & tiny; they are not much more than the size of one peg).
There always seems to be a quaint little spider residing in our letterbox and I wonder if everyday I wake it up when I open it. Which raises the query: do spiders actually sleep?
I have been recently trying to use the internet to advance my career and also to make some cash while on maternity leave. I have set up a blog for my freelancing, as well as a webstore for selling my collectibles and secondhand belongings, as well as updating my social media/networking pages so that I now have a Twitter, MySpace, Linked In and all that sort of thing - to use specifically for marketing myself. I need to work on all these more so they are set up better but for now they are just in the infancy stage.

sylvia plath, parasol, party, sick, career, spiderman, vintage, gothling, fairytales, anniversary, babybat, midnight enterprises, darkling, sewing, nightmare before christmas, insomnia, christmas, celebration, jack skellington, sleep, dracula, movies, winter star, gothic parents, freelancing, shopping

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