First Love Never Dies

Jul 10, 2012 07:45

Two days ago i had a surprise meeting with someone from my past, someone that i thought i've forgotten completely from my life. Well, it's not exactly a planned meeting, i just coincidentally saw him at the supermarket where me and my mom went shopping to. If someone ask me who he is (or more like, was) to me, i wouldn't be able to tell, mainly ( Read more... )

love, experience, angst

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yaoiokami July 10 2012, 12:48:24 UTC
Hey you, I hope you're doing better.

That really seemed like a complicated relationship you had going there. I find it very confusing that you guys never spoke face to face. It's very strange and maybe that's what got you so... attached? Perhaps you really never knew him and if you had, I think it could have been avoided. It's a lot harder to hide your raw expression when you're face to face than through text. Although it's a little late and you can only learn from experience, I hope you get through this ok.

I had my first real love when I was 14-15. He was six years older than me at the time and it would have been a crime had we ever dated. He liked me a lot though, and I liked him very much too but it seemed like he couldn't wait for me. So he got married shortly after I turned 15. My heart was crushed. And I know this was my first love because thinking about it now, it makes me cry even though it's been roughly seven years. I'm ok because it doesn't affect my day to day life but it's a loss that hurts me a lot.

But things will only get better right? I guess a person can only REALLY fall deep in love once?

Hope you feel better~


sashitae July 11 2012, 23:32:36 UTC
Hey to you too~
How are you? It's been a while, hehe...!

LOL, ikr?!?! We both were very shy back then so we just didn't have the guts to speak to each other face to face... idek why XD And maybe you're right, coz talking through text made everything sounds so fluffy and perfect so i got too carried away :(

But i'm okay, when i'm far from him i can actually easily forget about him like nothing has ever happened, and i think the shock i had was only a spur of the moment because it has been years since i actually saw him and now i can say that i already recovered completely (from the shock).

And OMG i can only imagine how broken i'd be if i was in your position, to have the one i love so dearly married to other woman T__________T
It's such a shame that he wouldn't wait just a little bit longer for you... I sincerely think that you deserve someone much better than that, someone who would actually wait for you even if it takes forever *hugs you tight*

"I'm ok because it doesn't affect my day to day life but it's a loss that hurts me a lot." <-- THIS, i can totally understand this coz this is exactly how i feel too. So the best thing is to just refrain ourselves from thinking about it too much so we won't have to relive the pain. We can always look back sometimes just for the sake of it, but we have to keep looking forward, i think that way we can finally move on completely without having to fully erase all the good memories we had. And of course i believe that things are going to get better in time ^o^

"I guess a person can only REALLY fall deep in love once?" <-- and to answer this question, i honestly don't know... And i've never really believed in all about the first-love thingy till i experienced this. So far i've never fallen in love as deep as i did the first time, but i think when i really meet the one for me later in the future, it might happen again, hehe... Who knows?

Thanks for reading and commenting, i really2 appreciate it, i hope you feel better too and i hope we'll both find our own true happiness with the one we love soon :D


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