Haunted House

Jun 28, 2011 03:00

It all started 2 days ago. My 1st brother suddenly asked me, "Hey sis, wanna come with me tomorrow? Me and my gf are going to go to that haunted house at Festival Citylink." I was interested, really, but i don't want to be the 3rd wheel for my bro and his gf, so my bro told me to ask my best friend to go with us so i wouldn't be alone. So i asked my bff and she agreed to come with us. (Actually i asked my maknae brother to come w/ me but he's too scared and refused almost instantly, LOL!)

Around 3PM yesterday we all gathered in Festival Citylink (a pretty big mall) and went straight to the top floor where the haunted house was located. In front of the gate we started to smell some weird scent, it's the scent of the things that people usually burn when they're having funeral or other mystical activities... The scent was pretty overwhelming and started to make us nervous.

Near the ticket stand, on one corner we could see a swing... There was a ghost-woman with long hair and white clothes playing with the swing, and on the other corner there was another ghost woman sitting on a wheelchair. The whole theme of the haunted house is "Hantu Suster Keramas" (it's Indonesian, in English it's The Ghost of a Hair-Washing Nurse, LOL, it sounds REALLY weird! I don't really get it actually, but it's pretty popular, i guess it's a story about a nurse who's got killed while she's washing her hair *???*, i really don't know, i'm not a ghost expert, haha!) and the setting looks like a haunted hospital.

So i was pretty nervous when we all stood in front of the entrance to the haunted house, but my bro insisted that we all should go inside. Actually there's this rule... we can get in as a group together, but only 5 people max for each group. There's this girl, i guess she came w/ her family, she really wanted to go to the haunted house and she's really scared, but her family didn't want to accompany her, so her mother asked our group to go inside together w/ her. And since there's only 4 of us, we gladly accepted another company for our group and it all started. My brother got in first, he's the one leading the group since he's the only male in the group, his gf was hiding behind him and the unknown girl behind her, while me and my bff is at the back of the group. I held my bff's hand tightly and we promised each other not to let go so we wouldn't be separated.

Right after passing the 1st door (the entrance door), we were welcomed by this female ghost holding a baby, she was on my left. I didn't want to see her so i kept my eyes to the front and checked her out through the corner of my eyes. It was silent at first but when we passed by her, suddenly there's this scary laughing voice of the ghost, it was so scary! We started to scream and hurriedly went to the next door. To be honest, after the 1st encounter with the ghost, i decided to close my eyes and close my ear with one of my hand and let my bff dragging me around, LOL! *i'm such a coward* But i tried peeking up a bit in some places to see the surroundings.

On the next room i didn't see the ghosts (coz i closed my eyes obviously), but there were several explosion sounds around and it made us all very jumpy and we screamed every time we heard the noisy sound. And then there was this ghost on my left (i'm not sure if it's male or female coz i'm too scared to see, i think it's male), the ghost was behind a metal fence and when we passed he started to shake the fences and scream. It's very shocking and we started to run and go to the next room.

Actually i have this weird habit, when i get really scared, i tend to freeze on the spot and give up, haha...! So if my friend let go of my hand and left me, i guess i would stuck inside freezing, too afraid to go back, and too afraid to continue the journey myself, LOL! *i'm such a loser* Fortunately my bff is a very nice and loyal friend, she never let me go and keep tugging my hand so i'd move forward, haha... So the next few rooms passed by as a blur for me since i just let myself being dragged by my best friend and i keep my eyes closed as much as i can, but all i know was that there were loud noises around and there were more than 1 ghost in most of the rooms screaming and shocking us with their sudden appearance and some of the ghost even approached us and followed us behind. And since i'm in the very back of the group, i could totally feel the ghost approaching me and slightly touching my clothes, OMG!!! O.O
I was screaming like crazy and almost gave up myself and stop walking but again my bff was being a hero. She tugged my hand so i kept running and the ghosts were left behind (though not for long coz there'd be new ghosts waiting for us ahead).

It was pretty crazy, the ghosts kept popping out of nowhere and the noises were so loud until we got into this room, it looked like a morgue, there's a bed there and the weirdest thing about that room was that it's so silent, there's not a single sound around and i swear to God, it made everything much creepier than before. It's too quiet for my liking, so different with the noisy atmosphere on the previous rooms. We were getting more cautious, expecting any suprises around, i was whimpering like a kicked puppy, too scared to even open my eyes. My friend said that there's a human head on the bedpost hanging or something... GOSH THAT'S REALLY CREEPY!!! And suddenly a nurse ghost appear from one of the corner, we were screaming like crazy and ran for our life out of that room.

Next few rooms came as a blur again for me but there's this male ghost, i didn't know since when, but he's been following me around, he's right behind me and kept whispering words next to my ear, saying, "I'll follow youu~ I'll follow youu~" And he keeps getting close to me, i was really scared i couldn't even look behind, all i know was that he kept following us no matter where we go.

So we continued our journey, my friend was still holding my hand tightly. We got into this room, there were 2 ghosts there, the female long-haired ghost and the black male ghost, we were so scared and started to run to the door for the next room. My brother was leading us to the door, but then he couldn't find the door, we started to get panic because we knew the ghosts were still there and they could reach us anytime. My brother started to get panic too and kept saying, "I can't find the door, this is not the door, where is the door?" Suddenly someone tapped his shoulder, he knew it's one of the ghost but he tried to be brave and turned his head around to face the ghost, it was the black ghost, but instead of scaring my brother away, he was pointing to the direction of the real door, LOL! HE WAS HELPING US, LOLOLOLOL!!! My brother thanked him and we started to run to the door. I kept my eyes shut but nearing the door to the next room i was pretty sure i could feel a touch of some hair on my face, it must be the ghost's long hair, idk, it was weird and scary. >,<

And then we got into this hospital room, there were some beds there for the patient. In the corner of my eyes i could see some nurse ghosts crawling on the floor, some of them kept yelling, "I need legs... i need legs..." I don't know if it's out of fear or something else, but when the ghosts started yelling asking for new legs, my bff yelled back, "NO WAY!!!" Hahahaha... She's getting into her bitchy mode, LOL! She was yelling to most of the ghosts telling them to back off or just simply complaining to them that they surprised her and honestly it made me feel a bit relaxed knowing that she's there and she's "fighting" the ghosts, LOL!

But then there's this one nurse ghost, she's crawling silently towards us and since i'm in the back of the line, when i passed by her, she was already right next to me and all in a sudden... SHE GRABBED MY LEG. O.o HOMG!!!!!!! KYAAAAAAAAAA~~~~~~~AAAAAAAKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!! I was screaming the hardest as i could and jumping around trying to get her off me and finally she let me go. GOSH!!! I THOUGHT I WAS GONNA DIE!!! *over-dramatic*

So we ran to the next room, this weird male ghost was still following me and suddenly... We met the other group the went inside before us!!! HORRAAYYY!!! More company!!! One of them seemed so weak like she's gonna collapse in every second. A guard was helping her out and we all went through a couple more doors before we reached the last door. I think the ghosts were pitying the nearly collapsed girl so they didn't scare us aggressively as before, they were calmer and didn't try to approach us anymore, just screamed a little bit to surprise us, haha... i passed this one ghost, he was silent at first but when i passed by him he screamed at me and waved his long white outfit and the fabric brushed my face a bit and i was -___-" LOL! (but i still screamed a bit out of surprise, hehe...) And finally we reached the last room! (THANK GOD!!!!!!!)

There's this one ghost on my left, when my brother's gf passed by him he was tugging at her shirt aggressively, she was so scared and started to scream for help, "NOOO!!! HELP MEE!!! HELP MEE!!!!" and when it's my turn to pass by him, i could already see the lights from the outside world and i felt safe already, so when he started to growl at me i faced him and growl back, "RRRAAWWWRRRR!!!" Hahahahahaha......! That was pretty funny i guess! And FINALLY WE'RE OUT!!! My bff collapsed on the floor, she was so relieved that it ends already. My heart clenched painfully inside my chest because of the overwhelming fear and shock. After that we started to laugh at our stupidity and started to recall all the things that happened inside.

Apparently the weird male ghost that keeps following me was a guard from the entrance door, after we all got in he put on a doctor coat, pretending to be a doctor ghost and followed us to helped us if any one of us would collapse, just like the group before us... And he's the one holding the hair in front of my face to make me feel like there's a ghost hanging above me, haha...! My brother said that he saw him while he's doing that, LOL!!!

And then we bought another ticket to watch the 4D Horror Cinema, i thought it would be scary but apparently it's an animation movie and it's funny, not scary at all, haha...! After that my brother and his gf went back home earlier while me and my bff decided to go to the supermarket to buy some drinks and hang around for a bit. While we're in the middle of the supermarket... BAM!!! IT'S BLACKOUT!!! And i was, "GOD, PLEASE, NOT AGAIN!!!!!!!" And thankfully not long after the electricity went back on and we were laughing together, hahaha... I almost freaked myself out there, thinking that there'd be another ghost appear. And my friend said, "I thought it's a special edition and the ghosts are following us here" LOL! And unconsciously i kept sticking around my bff, too scared to be apart from her, haha...!

And now, i'm happy that i'm safe at home, far away from those scary ghosts, i made a promise to myself that I WILL NEVER GO TO A HAUNTED HOUSE EVER AGAIN!!! I will go to a haunted house again only if LEE TAEMIN of SHINee ask me too, haha... and only for him (which is almost impossible) and he has to go inside with me, hahaha... *in my dream* So don't bother asking me, hehehehe...!

I'm feeling a bit accomplished right now for being able to pass the whole journey without fainting, haha! But i really don't want to be in that situation again, hehe... It's not good for my heart, i want to live longer, LOL!
So this is it for now, i hope i'll have more things to share in the future ^_^ <3

horror, personal life

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