Kairi has no wearable wig. ;o; SHE IS BALD AGAIN NOOOOOOOOOOOO. *CRIES IN AGONY*
Apparently, while I was in Japan, my cat sneaked (someone please make snuck a word already!) into my room, and DESTROYED my Sora!fur wig that I had. ;o; And then I accidentally butchered two of her wigs, and then one got destroyed when I tried to boil it. T_________T ARGH. I AM NEVER GOING TO ATTEMPT TO STYLE A WIG AGAIN.
I have a good chunk of money left over from my Japan trip. $450. o______________________o I don't know if I should save that towards my new doll, or splurge on my current dolls. DX
Here's what I THINK I'm going to do (though this is far from final):
- Get Ryoki a new faceup from Sera
- Buy Kairi a new wig
- Save towards Malina's body?
- Save towards my next doll?
- Commission an outfit for Kairi/my next doll
We'll see. +_________________+