important addendums

Nov 29, 2003 08:30

Jan's cousin, Gordon Gregory Brigham, died yesterday of heart failure. From what I understand from Jeanne: basically, he and his cousin we raised like brothers by their two respective single moms in the same house. I'm surprised and impressed and not surprised that Jan sucked it up and did the show today.

We won't have Jan - or any other Forbes in the show on Saturday - the day of the funeral - and I suspect Jan may require Sunday as well. Chuck said that he would cover Jan, but covering everyone else will be a bit of hell since Mim is conflicted out. This either means Mim has to way alter her schedule, or I have to train a new Yente understudy.

[sigh] Looks like there is no escaping it. Between Chuck and Kelly and Jan and Jeanne and Mim I have to have [shudder] MORE understudy rehearsals. I feel the life draining out of me already.

I can't begrudge Jan and his family the need for time off, but it still equals more ultra exhaustion for me.

I want to be a rock star so that at least this sort of thing will lead to millions of dollars! [And, yes, I would like some cheese to go with that wine! ;)]
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