Not much. Still desperately in love.
Got 9 (!) new fluffy bacteria (thx Yaten!)
My cat eats more than I do. One day she will eat us all.
My flat-mates don't talk much. If you exclude the swearing.
There is a new research paper supporting the intron parallel gain theory as opposed to intron-lose. I am happy because I bet on this one ^^.
Here I am going to Ukraine with a lecture. Probably.
I wish I could go to a conference in Le Grande-Motts in April, but probably won't.
I feel a bit silly without a Ph.D. Still. I HAVE to find some time for this.
The last time I was at the train station I took a couple of leaflets, about cheper tickets to Katowice. I am now staring at them blankly. This is a bit sad... or funny, maybe. But don't laugh.