I can kill me with a thought! I--uh- I'll get a tray. Fuck it.

Mar 04, 2011 01:34

So after this whole write up thing. I get back to a shift after a couple of days off. As much as time off was needed, it was not wanted (mostly because of payments) and I couldn’t get any shifts. I hate cut hours. Anyways, the shift went all right, extra hours put in because of sick coworkers, until what, the last hour or so when a guest came in. Turns out the guy was from a different branch of the theatre company, which is fine, he had a pass and I was about to scan it in. his girlfriend mentions what movie and the time. And I was like, um, you missed half hour of the actual feature, it didn’t start at 10. “But we checked online, it’s at that time at your theatre.” “if you google search it, it brings you to a page that is not updated by us, you have to go to x site.” “Whatever, we’re going to another movie.” The pass had the movie specifically written. Now, I’ve been trained on accepting it for what is written, regardless of any decision being made, unless overridden. It’s how it is. Well the girl had a fit. Yelling and blaming me that they were going to miss their new movie and it shouldn’t matter what it’s said on the pass and that I should accept it. Notice how the guy doesn’t say one word? Yeh. He’s the cast member, not her. His name is on the damned thing. Annoyance clearly on my face, I turned around to get a manager to do something because I’ve had enough. I didn’t care what he did, as long as they got to see whatever movie was so deserving having a fit over. When I got back, the counter door a bit too forcefully, I handed them their tickets with a bit too much “enjoy your show.” and she tried to act all normally or equally amount of fake enthusiasm “thank you miss…” and she tried reading my nametag. Seriously. I’m sure, I said a bit too loudly. -sighs-
So now I had to ‘cover my tracks’ and mention to the manager the situation on how she was rude to me first, which was true. I’m not going to get another write-up just because of their mistake and temper. If she would have been more polite about the situation, then fine, so would I, but because she started with yelling… I also had to talk to one of the managers that had given me the previous write-up about my “attitude” and explained the situation in case she does decide to form a complaint. I’m not trying to prevent another write-up, I’m just showing that I was not the start of it and kept my temper under check. I don’t find that I was that arrogant, if I would have done it too perky, then they would know, but annoyance was still on my features. This is ridiculous, that I have to worry about every single annoyance now. My face is not naturally happy looking, it looks annoyed all the time in general. So of course when I call the next guest, it’s not the best face in the world. I can be content looking at times. I just can’t be happy looking all the time, even when I try. It just doesn’t feel right. Anyways, both managers had said, if they worked at a branch of our theatre, they should know about double checking for movies/times and also common courtesy. So I’m not sure if they’d actually “back me up”.


With me trying to scramble for shifts, I ended up not going on Thursday because I was literally doubled up in pain and spent at least an hour lying on the floor in the cool washroom. Felt like vomiting, sharp pains and sweats. When I finally called work, a lot of people called in sick as well. They were thrilled enough to hang up the phone roughly when I told them I couldn’t find a replacement. Apparently I should have found one. Yeh. Like I knew I was going to be in tears, in a fetal position for a while. I was fine the night before, so it’s not like I can plan ahead. Spent the day, sweating and then I was fine. The sharp pains went away and I had determined it was because of my appendix, since it was on the left side, although online search can be wrong. So since the pain subsided, I didn’t have to rush myself somehow to the hospital. It’s sore as an aftermath but I’m all right. I even ate, no nausea.
So in a painless break, I finally got a hold of CLV, had to leave a message this time, telling them of my hours when to call me, yeh, long ass message. The agent called me back today and said that she was guessing today’s since I didn’t mention it in the list. -lol- So I got my questions answered about the difference between yearly and by monthly rent; since I’ve never been the main on a lease, I was always the second or third. Nothing different to be done in the renewal, which is good for me since I don’t have to scramble to find another co-signer. I mean my step-father did it once, but I’m not sure about another time, perhaps yes but it’s always 50/50 with him; I still appreciate him signing it. Another reason why it’s good that I can still get up and go if I decide to leave, as long as I give them the required days of notice. Because man, I don’t know if it’s the crazy neighbour (CN) who’s having breakdowns, like recently he’s been yelling at 4am and such, at the main door, and in the hallway now. He just yells as he goes along, but if it’s constant I might have to talk to someone about it, but it points the finger at me, because I’m right there. I’m not sure if it’s the same guy though, the direction of the last fit he had was further down the other way. :/ At any rate he was odd when a few weeks back he knocked on my door and asked if I were hammering into the walls. And I was like um no, watching tv. And he was persistent with asking if I really wasn‘t hammering. Creep. But after the yelling at 7am and such, I actually miss I.I, it was at least quieter and I had gotten used to it. Also the people upstairs, the dragging became extremely annoying, more hours added to the schedule and I was hoping they were actually moving out cause I hear a moving van a couple of days ago at the entrance. They were quiet the past 2 days, so I‘m really hoping.

Tea time and art picture post.

Had a long shitty week, as mentioned in recent journal entry, and I had some days off. Not wanted and I couldn’t find shifts, so I had time on my hands and I felt like going back doing another tryout with pastels; a bit more messier this time around. Used my hands. Not really thinking of anything in particular but just started with a main swirl. Weird plants of I don't know what. I didn't want to go too much over them, lest I ruin it.
It's red not pink. I've also just have a basic set of them, so I don't have any darker color. The paper started out white, just saying.
Phone picture since my camera is dead, so the quality is well it's still shitty, not much difference of the original. XD

So this is basically the rant for now, until I see results of that work complaint. It’s not what I need right now. I need April pay days to even buy groceries.
Late night chats with cousins are great, especially when they understand rants and don’t judge you for mentioning family situations. Which makes me feel a bit better, unloading.
That and tea.
Peppermint tea.

concerts, apartment, work crap, c.n, creepers, art, family, sick

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