Feb 27, 2011 23:53

Aurelie came down for a quick visit. Too many visits all at once -lol-
So A handed me gifts for me: Californication S1, because of David Duchovny and being I suppose naked all the time. -lol- And an energy potion, in form of a blood pack. Nice! ^,….,^ I’m getting a kick out of the instructions on it. I might save this for the True Blood premiere. She also brought V/P gift for me, since he keep forgetting to bring it to work. Cheshire cat plushy and keychain. Nice. I’m going to have to find them something, and suitable to my pay check since I’m going to be paying for so many tickets in the next few weeks. 4, maybe 5 concerts in a span of 2 months. Noodles anyone? Like seriously. XD And still keep it hush hush about it to Jenn who had previously offered to send me down to visit family. :/ Bad Steph! I’ll have to make it up to her somehow. Because apparently I was told that she might have been upset with me during those lost years that I had gone to schooling and had not accomplished anything. This makes me think too much on how my life is right now. Why I’m not married and living in the suburbs” with 2.5 kids. And how I’m supposed to by this age. 27. Am I really a disappointment to everyone? I mean, I’m going through everything and I could have done a lot worse with my life. I have employment, a roof over my head. For Pete’s sake, I don’t even have a life to speak of to go out there and do what everyone else is doing EVERY weekend: getting drunk, on drugs and be promiscuous. So why must I change and--to sound like a clichéd Goth--conform to everyone’s ideals? So what if I’m not living that life and have the best job in the world?
And thus the cycle of my life rant begins again.


This whole week was just horrid. Insomnia, stressing out with life crap, weak work shifts and other annoyances. People after people kept yelling and being miserable bastards and blaming me and others for everything. -sighs- It caught up to me that I had received another write-up. Apparently I was really arrogant; a guest who came on a busy night and decided oh I have a coupon after all those cards wanted to redo the whole transaction, and when prompted, I had said if it’s not too much trouble to just ring them through because I’m certain the next thing coming out of their mouths is: “we’re late for the movie already,”. But apparently they told the GM that I had said: “It’s too much work for me to do right now and here’s your ticket.” or something to that extent. :/
Apparently everyone is having a talking to this week, I’ve noticed. Yeh do this during cut hours month number #. Apparently that’s no excuse for my behavior since I was spoken to about it, on several occasions. I’m not like everyone else. I can only take so much before I snap back. Also if you talk on your phone, I’m not going to serve you. I’m not going to guess to what you want, and don’t get mad at me for asking too many questions to interrupt your conversation that you can’t put down for a moment. That would be rude or me. :/ Especially that one person who complained into her phone how she was in X number of years in guest services and she’s never been treated so rudely. Lady, if you really did work in guest services, you would understand and put the fucking phone down. If you can’t live without your phone for that long, what are you doing going to the movies?
Anyways, that was not the action of my write-up. Of course I was upset, showing weakness again. I despise it. It was a exhausting week. I can’t be perky cheerful. Hell. Even the most enthused cast member, still gets yelled at, she’s fucking cheery all the time, like too nice to yell at. What the fuck? Seriously, it makes me wonder how am I supposed to top that if even she gets bitched at, not just the usual complaints about ridiculous things, I mean, “give me your name and I want to speak to a manager…now!” spiel.
This is the kind of things that makes me wonder what’s the point of me trying to enter, not civilized but human interaction, trying to break away, at least a little, from being too Misanthropic. Also hate the fact that the moment I’m online, it’s like oh crap it’s Steph. Hide. Can’t you hurry up and block me already? Better yet, block and delete. Problem solved. I’m not going to do it, because I’m still in contacts with you in some way, but I’m not going to hide from you. Understandable with a busy life and all but seriously…
I’m a miserable fuck too but I not going to expect perfection for everything.
This is basically everyone’s same ol’ bitchfest, so don’t mind me in my rant. It’s pretty much done for the time being.
Even with the cut hours and horrible shifts. I still ‘bought’ concert tickets for March and May.
Jeff Martin was the first one for a definite buy, for about 30$ and Apocalyptica is still in debate. And then Korn and Disturbed had to come around, so that’s another 60$ or so. And that was fine. I could make it no problem. Then came Bon Jovi. Yeh, those who know me, look at me and questions like my mother said once: What kind of Goth listens to Bon Jovi?” This one. XD My cousin bought them pretty much on presale day and that was 120$. T__T My poor funds. -lol- I forgot to mention not the super expensive ones but it’s nice to indulge a bit more for this one; we haven’t gone for over 5 years and it was DUE. So why not. It’s the last of the concerts for a while. Right? Right? Wrong. -lol- Wonderful Alice Cooper is returned about a week or so after that. And the same price and venue as the last concert I went to. Hell yes. :D Looks like noodles for a while. -lol- But so worth it.
I have too many days off this week, so that means I have to contact CLV and find out information about monthly rent or full year differences and such. I have to do this week because mother is getting a bit annoying with asking every time; I do try but I keep getting the voicemail and it’s more or less questions that I need answered as we go along and not calling with more and more voice mail questions. It’s a must. I should really do it since may is fast approaching. But in the meantime of calling, I shall be starting up S3 of Supernatural finally. The Dean-athon continues. And it makes me love this character more and more, so much in common of ideals, of life worth and such.
On a weird end note: I have awesome Lydia hair right now. XD

concert, life rant, apartment, work crap, misanthropic me, dean-athon, supernatural

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