I got ham but I'm not hamster XD

Jul 30, 2010 03:10

lol- I love Bill Bailey XD http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C7HieAZ-5gg&feature=related

On Wednesday, I was supposed to do so many things but I’m glad I slept in. It was needed especially with my knee acting up. It’s better now, haven’t gone to see any clinics since it became better. I still wrap it when I work, just to be safe. Able to bend my knee that day at least, so it’s improvement.

Got a postcard from my work friend Suzie, even though she was back a week before I got it. She returned from visiting her family in Bulgaria. We worked together yesterday. “I got your postcard today.” We both went XD She had mentioned in the card, that she got something as well and it was perfect time as she had it with her that night. She explained to me that in Bulgaria they have a rose festival, much as our tulip festival here in Ottawa. It was a wooden bottle, shaped like a perfume bottle, a painted rose on one side and a girl in cultural garb on the other; inside was a tiny vial holding rose oil. She said that she knew it wasn’t Gothic at all and such, but I told her that I was still pleased with it. I’m putting it on my dresser next to what Lama got me, the powder eyeliner bottle.

Finally got around to take the pictures off of my phone. Rogers didn’t have the usb cord that was supposed to be sold to me with my phone purchase. They suggested I tried a wireless store that would hold items for any phones. They didn’t have it either but the clerk suggested micro adapters that I can take the memory card and just stick in of them and to the computer or mall computers for printing and such. Luckily it came with a memory card in the package, because I didn’t have one to begin with. So I copied the Three Days Grace and Alice in Chains concerts. Still haven’t posted them up but it’s a working progress. Just like my book shelf which I finally moved to the living room. More room in my bedroom to walk around in, and seems more fitting to be next to my entertainment shelf of movies.

I’m wondering what channel/station that The Walking Dead will be playing. About time there was a zombie series.

Father texted me the other day. He asked how I was and I let him know about my knee hurting and how I had work anyways. He mentioned that he wished he was there to help me out. He also mentioned that he had misplaced my address and wondered if he can have it again. I was insisting that I didn't need his help and that I was fine and I can survive and manage well. I didn’t reply to the address comment, even though I said aloud to the phone that “Bull!” He had misplaced it because I’ve never given it to him.

I’ve been also wondering what I should be doing. I’m slowly getting more disillusioned about work. I don’t mind being on floor and such but not every day. I can’t do it anymore. And I also didn’t work for 4 years just to be back or lower than when I started. Not only that, but there’s rumors going around about people are getting trained or soon will be for treasury. So instead of giving me any more shifts, they rather train other people? At first I didn’t mind that I had lost a couple of shifts, it was understandable with new trainees. But none and barely any box office? I think it’s time for me to be searching for something part time, just in case. I know I mentioned it before, but my mind apparently likes going in circles with thoughts. I would still stay, but I don’t think full time anymore. The only reason right now is because it’s paying my bills/rent. And I‘m going to be in this steady position, I‘d rather search for something, regardless on how many people there that keep me sane. I‘ll talk to the managers sometime this weekend, and see what is going on with the schedules. So here I am, searching online. Even considering…..office work. -shudders- It’s a bit difficult, since a lot of the employments requires college or university experience and such.

You know, "I told you so" has a brother and his name is "Shut the hell up".

Reading: Dead until dark - Charlaine Harris

crap knee, work

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