Oomoos and blahblas

Jul 12, 2010 19:56

So the week ended wonderfully with my toilet not being able to stop at the water line after the flush. Seemed to have fixed that no problem. This was after work and I was set to sleep, yeh right. Even though it was fixed, it still somehow decided to resume flushing, passing the water line; luckily I caught it before the tank or the toilet would overflow. Problem now was the pump that continued to want to flush, and not only that it was popped out and would not be pushed back in, although it would stop once I lifted the handle for the pump, it would stop; so had to use the only available thing close to me to hold it up was the plunger. Tried calling the emergency line for the apartment and got the answering machine asking me to leave a message with the severity of my emergency and that they will get back to me as soon as possible. :/ This was 2am or so, so here I was trying to find a 24hour plumber. Luckily they told me the pricing before coming here and giving me the option to think it over.
And that wasn’t including the price of replacing the part that was broken. Unbelievable. I don’t have that kind of money. So once I told them that I’ll sleep on it, I called back the apartment’s help. Got through, thankfully. If I was able to not touch anything until morning, they’d be there first thing and I was fine with that. Next morning, woke up to the door knock. I have an odd way of waking up, at least for the door and the phone. I don’t wake up slowly and wonder what the Hell, but I’m on my feet and already at the door or picking up the phone and answering before completely waking. So awake now, I open the door and there’s one superintendent to have a look at my toilet. Trying to explain the parts that early in the morning and also not knowing the names of the part is not pretty. -lol- So the guy pushed back the pump in place we were able to see about the flushing and how it was still passing the water line. Another 5 minutes and it was good as new. Still needs a part for something broken but I was able to use it again.

I got home the other night and as I got into the hallway, one of the lights were flickering and had that eerie horror movie look to it. I half snickered and went to unlock my door. There were no odd sounds that followed it and I didn’t say hello or who’s there, so I was safe. I know the rules. XD

Saturday I received a call from my cousin Eric. He was in town visiting his mother and wanted to visit for a bit. He had called in the afternoon when I was working and didn’t check my phone until I was almost home. Tried calling back, they might have been out for supper; and I was a little bit sad for not being able to reach him. Got off the bus and got a call back from him. Not sure what the plans were, we decided that he would call me at 10 the next morning and we’ll see what the plans were.
Next day, woke up to the phone and was in my awesome way of sounding awake, we made plans. He would pick me up in about 10 minutes. So here’s me rushing to get ready. -lol- managed to do it and went upstairs to see for a car a couple of times, I’m still not assigned to the call box, both my fault and the superintendent; so I was apparently early. Heard the car, went upstairs, caught him just as he was looking for my name. Surprised him with my strange psychic like abilities, so he says. Creepy is more what he said. -lol- They needed caffeine and we headed off to a Timmies. It was a good chat between Peter his partner, Eric and I; a lot about work and concerts and such. Peter’s expression as I described the Twitard’s behavior is priceless. I love him! -lol- Wish it were longer but they were expected back for lunch. Eric also promised me to visit an occult store that was apparently near my house during his next visit; he needed more charcoal at one point. That would be great. I would like to more about his ideals and take on the Wiccan lifestyle that he’s into. I’m glad I’m not the only one in my family or at least on my mother’s side that are into different things. It’ll be nice to talk about things like that.

Today my father texted me and told me that he was coming up on Thursday and hopefully he can bring my stuff.
Here I am almost not caring anymore, I do want my crap, but it’s more of not caring when anymore. I’m not going to say that I don’t want my stuff because I have plates that my mother gave me that I don’t want them to throw out or sell. And I still have my college portfolio that I can sell here or something. So I haven’t really agreed to him bringing my stuff. I told him that I was working. It’s true, I am and I can’t just have him bring my crap at my workplace and then I have to start the whole process of splitting up my crap to bring on the bus. He didn’t understand what I was going on about and told me that he was going to my place. Yeh when? At 8am? I have to be gone by 1030 so I can make it for my shift. And I’m not going to wait about for him not to show up or change the plans again. I’m pretty sure if I were off that day, the meeting would be running late or changed and I would have to wait for nothing. It’s tiresome. I’m only texting him back, mostly because I don’t have a daytime plan, and also I was out doing some groceries, hands were full as I got more items than intended.
Anyway, took the time to make a proper meal again, and not a bento-esque one either, even though I wanted to try out my onigiri mold. I also forgot to look for an ice pack for my knee wrap, so I’m going to try out filling a baggie with dead fish ice cubes -lol-
So I'm hoping Eric's next visit will be soon. He's finding it a bit odd about my father's lack of contacting my sister and I. Even though it's been going on for ages.
Damn it. Forgot an ice cream scoop too.

apartment, father

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