I spent my Thanks Giving break.....

Nov 29, 2010 15:47

...Doing house chores and writing an economics essay. Much to my surprise, I was perfectly content executing both of those tasks during the mini-vacation.

Kevin went to his mother's house by himself. Before he left, he and I decided that it would be best if he went by himself since most of his immediate family will be traveling to the southern United States, instead of staying close to Chicagoland. He knew that he would be helping his mother around the house regarding small projects, such as cleaning and some general fixing-up of things. I also do not travel well at all. I can't sleep, and I "become irregular." Urgh, traveling sucks so much for me.

While Kevin was away I cleaned the house. He left for the north on Wednesday, and on that day I just putzed around the house and surfed the internet. On Thursday, the actual holiday, I intended to start the essay that is due this Friday. However, I was feeling lethargic and did not get out of bed until 11:30am. When I finally did get my ass in gear, it was in the early afternoon, and I started cleaning the whole downstairs of the house. I vacuumed and dusted.

Feeling a sense of accomplishment, I thought I would surprise Kevin when he arrived back home with a batch of cookies. So...I baked a batch of cookies for him. The cookies were traditional chocolate-chip with nuts, but what have you. Thinking back, I realized the house chores and baking were just procrastination measures since it takes me forever to get motivated to start a major (or semi-major) school project.

On Friday I actually started my essay. I wrote the introduction, and started collecting peer-reviewed articles for my economics class.

So now I have my sources, and I am really close to actually starting to write the body of the essay. I know it will end up a solidly-written piece of work, but my biggest concern is actually writing an economic essay. I know I run the risk of the essay turning into an environmentalist manifesto on the destructive nature of classical economics. I know I can't do that; I just have to write the pros and cons of green thinking and implementation of green technologies and how they will affect our economy.


Anyway...enough procrastination. Time to type.

weekend, food, ditlo, justthinking, technology, ff, college, gay

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