Wrapped presents

Dec 24, 2009 13:46

I just wrapped Kevin's presents for Christmas. Much to my surprise, I didn't freak out when things didn't go right, like I tend to do. Now, since I rarely wrap anything, the first present I wrapped was the most jacked-up. I mean...I seriously underestimated the amount of paper I needed. I had to cut a strip of paper to cover the exposed area of the box that would have been revealed with the piece of paper I thought would be enough to cover the entire box. Oops.

The subsequent three boxes I needed to wrap went smoothly. I bought clothes for Kevin, but I only had one dedicated "box for clothes": The kind that stores give when people buy apparel. Therefore, I had to raid my box stash in the basement so I cold wrap the rest of his presents. I think it would be truly surprising to discover clothes in non-clothes dedicated boxes. I know he'll like his gifts; I just want him to be surprised at what he is getting.

On a side note: Today is December 24th, but it doesn't feel like Christmas Eve.

ff, highlights

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