Copyright my ass

Dec 14, 2009 11:02

I believe a major reason people "steal" music is because the music companies are too damn greedy. I firmly believe if the music artists received more money for their music people would be less apt to illegally download music. The reasoning is, "The music company will just keep 97% of net profits, so I am really not stealing from the artist, since they are barely getting anything anyway. I'm just stealing curtailing profits from the company."

I don't like illegally downloading music, but I also don't like buying CDs that only have 3 good songs out of 15, so I "favorite" videos on Youtube. That seems like a good option, right? The record companies get to control the media, but yet give people access to a copyrighted song. Everyone is happy. Until that video gets taken down. What option do people like me have if we just want to listen to a favorite song? We, the remotely tech-savvy people, hit up the torrent transfer programs to acquire a whole damn CD just to listen to that favorite song we lost access to.

I'm actually quite annoyed with YouTube right now since about 10 songs I favorited got taken down recently. I'm guessing those songs got relocated to some other channel, but I still have to find them. Why were they relocated or removed? What was the reasoning?

*heavy sigh*

justthinking, tv_movies_music, internet

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