"Legend of the Sacred Stone"

Aug 26, 2006 20:02

Every once in a while I will be minding my own business in a bookstore or video store, when suddenly, it happens. I will see something so weird, so unique, that I just have to get it.

This phenomenon happened to me on Thursday in Exile on Main Street. I was perusing the shelves and suddenly this movie caught me. At first I thought the DVD cover had pictures of heavily adorned people. I was wrong. The DVD cover had pictures of heavily adorned puppets.

Yes, kids. The Legend of the Sacred Stone is a kung-fu movie featuring rod puppets! Not only does this movie have an all-puppet cast, it also has computer generated special affects AND blood and gore! I was literally freaking out in one of the first scenes in the movie when there was a massacre and there were all these dismembered puppet body parts laying all over the ground. It was trippy.

Anyway, I think I will make this DVD part of my permanent movie collection. If anyone wants to borrow this DVD (*cough* benchilada) just shoot me an email.

weird, tv_movies_music

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