quarantine slice of life, Zoom question

May 07, 2020 14:25

I went grocery shopping at the Old People Hour early this morning. It occurred to me that I was wearing the weirdest outfit I've ever worn out of the house, even counting costumes, which at least are all of a theme. But today's look: tank top, shorts, sandals, sunhat, huge serious-looking assassin mask (spouse ordered very early on and got what seems to be military grade, with breathing filters), back-east winter gloves.

So, those who have been running tons of Zoom meetings: I have one coming up on Saturday. I've had a practice session with one person, so I pretty much know what's what. But my question is about the etiquette of running a meeting when one is the host. How do you make sure that the more soft-spoken people can be heard, and that the louder ones don't use up all the aural real estate?

Tips most appreciated. This entry was originally posted at https://sartorias.dreamwidth.org/1030638.html. Please comment there using OpenID.

quarantine, life is ridiculous, zoom

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