Quarantine slice of life

Apr 16, 2020 13:31

This will be boring because we all are living it, but I'm hoping that this period will become history soon enough that it will stick out in my mind later on.

So . . . all our cars are older. The 'new' one is six years, the oldest 21 years. The middle one has needed service for a while. We were going to do it when we knew how much we'd be soaked for taxes, and then quarantine happened.

But we got a call from the Toyota dealership in Long Beach (unlike many dealerships--especially the local one-- we've found them to be honest) offering to pick up and drop off the car! No extra charge!

Hell yes we said.

So the handoff of the spousemobile happened this morning. Got a call a few minutes ago that it was about to be dropped here. I went down to tell spouse, to find him crouched over his laptop, holding a small whiteboard in his hand--he was giving a lecture to a class of 200 students.

So I dealt with the key handover and paperwork. The driver turned up fully masked and gloved. She gave me the papers. I asked her if everybody is managing to stay employed. She said she'd been laid off, but when the incentive program happened, the workers were called back, and the slackening of business is being taken up with the pickup service. Everybody wins. She commented that with no one on the road, it's no big deal to be driving all over the place dropping off cars all day.

This entry was originally posted at https://sartorias.dreamwidth.org/1029191.html. Please comment there using OpenID.

daily life, quarantine

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