The latest vertigo attack has diminished to what I think of as the bobblehead stage: my head feels like it's tethered by a very loose string, otherwise I can turn my head and even bend, and I don't get whammied by a personal 9.3 on the Richter scale.
So it's time to catch up with things. One thing is, some members of Book View Cafe have floated the idea of starting a subscription service. We're far from doing it--no one knows how much tech and bookkeeping that's going to entail, and then there are other (many other) questions to be resolved.
But meanwhile, I think enough readers here have at least ventured into Book View Cafe enough to know what it offers, and so: would you be interested in a subscription service? If so, why, or why not? Feedback would be most helpful if you've the time to articulate observations about any model of subscription service, or what you feel about the prospect.
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