Lemonade . . .

Jan 24, 2020 17:58

During yoga Wednesday morning I felt the fluid in my right ear slip, launching a violent vertigo attack. (The left soon followed suit.) This has happened to me occasionally since I was ten. This is a bad one. Bad enough that I haven't been able to get downstairs. The first day I had to crawl to the bathroom to pee.

Lemonade out of lemons? I have not heard one word of the news since then. Not a word. [Please do not helpfully post bad news I might have missed. It will still be there when my head isn't rocking and rolling.]

Also, I can read in short spurts, and watch TV if I keep my head rigid and my eyes forward. Have a lot to say about JOY OF LIFE, which is brilliant with white heat.

Ulp. Typing much still makes me seasick.

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