Seasonal Greetings and question

Dec 23, 2019 05:32

Popping back in briefly to wish a Happy Chanukah to all who celebrate, and a return of the sun to everyone but me. (MY favorite time is late June, when the blasted sun starts going away. I know I'd feel differently if I didn't live in the land of eternal summer heat and glare.)

I am not going to see the new Star Wars movie--grateful thanks for the warning that nearly half of it is strobing. I'm not paying megabucks to keep my hands tightly clasped over my face for half a movie while I listen to booms and screeching weaponry.

I will watch it on the iPad, but meanwhile, I see reference all over to "Mandelorean" which I had thought was more David Eddings type fantasy, which isn't my thing. Apparently it's Star Wars? And there are more TV shows?

My question is, are they as terrible as the prequels? Those were so beautifully shot, and so badly written that my interest int hat universe dimmed, though I loved SW in the late seventies and early eighties, warts and all. It was such a breath of fresh air after all the SF of the seventies. it was FUN and suggested EPIC REACH even if it never quite all hung together. But that's what fic was for.

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holidays, star wars

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