Book View Cafe had to switch hosts, after a bunch of blackouts over December and January. It took a while to migrate everything, but it's stable now.
There's a store-wide sale going on, all books 20% off. When you consider how cheap many of them are, it's a pretty good deal.
Stuff that I enjoyed that you might not be aware of having come out recently: A real deal is Kris Smith (no relation)'s Jani Kilian SF novels.
All three in one omnibus ebook. Taut, really intense SF. Came out a few years ago, but at least to me reads like it could have come out yesterday.
What unfortunately got completely lost in the January blackout is Brenda Clough's three volume time travel series, Edge to Center, beginning with the first volume,
The River Twice. Our heroine is the daughter of a despot family in a small Southeast Asian country, where the story starts, when there's the startling appearance of a white man, speaking English, dressed in Victorian garb, with an odd gadget that he claims enables him to travel in time . . . It's completely unlike any of the other time travel novels I've read.
There's Patrice Greenwood's
first three Wisteria Tearoom mysteries. Again, unlike other mysteries I've read. These I guess would be called cozies, though they aren't funny. Ellen, the tearoom owner, is a somewhat conservative, careful person who loves art and tea and baking, so she starts a tearoom. She ends up involved in mysteries. There's a wary detective, various friends, and a strong sense of the Southwest as well as delectable foods. And just a hint of magic, which I found intriguing.
Then for an amazingly cheap deal, Marie Brennan's
thirteen fairy tale twists.
I hope later in the week, Rachel Brown's and my Change series (first three books) will be back up--we were in the process of having them reformatted when the sale came up. But anyway, check out the other authors and offerings there!
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