Not sure I agree entirely--I think language and writing both are messier and bigger-- but Steve Popkes
had what I thought an interesting approach to code vs. cipher writing, and thinking.
And a few days ago, mrissa talked about favorite aspects of writing which I will simplify to inspired writing and revision. I used to love white fire writing the most--well, I still catch myself wishing for one more mad dash while an entire story flows out through my fingers, but I don't trust those anymore. I think the hardest, most hurtful realization in a long life of struggling to learn how to write adequately (far, far too late in life) was that the intensity of the writing experience did not guarantee an equally intense experience for the reader.
Maybe it does for everyone else, of course. This is why at age 62, I am still very much a learner. But it's what I love doing best. Anyway, I've come to relish revision, which I guess is lucky because I go over stuff so very many times. (And yeah, I know everything I do could use another couple dozen drafts. But age 62...)
Anyway, anyone want to dish process? I hoped these essays might spark thoughts or insights.