We are all king in our own head . . .

Jul 22, 2013 08:45

Though authors, in interviews, are totally justified in beginning every sentence with "In MY books . . ." and making claims of artistic significance, astonishing innovation, character subtlety, profundity and surprise, I am justified in being uninterested, unconvinced, and passing on.

Might be a function of old age: patterns that seem freshly invented to someone who hasn't been reading as long as I have been familiar for an appreciable time. Knowledge that appears recondite to someone striking into new territory has developed a patina of frequent visitation.

Blah blah, I know. Anyway, I was caught by this interview with Kit Kerr, another of those smart female writers whose work has appeared in a variety of genres, and who always seems to go overlooked in those ever-present lists of "the great writers" (that I too often am prompted to mentally substitute "great" with "cis-gendered white male").

In the comments, I brought up a quote from another of those female writers who gets less attention than she deserves, Laura Mixon, who once said: Entertainment without meaning outsells meaning without entertainment, but both are outsold by entertainment with meaning.

writing, interviews, gender

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