Worldcon is coming up, and a lot of new writers, or writers who've been around a while and who've found times bumpy due to the economy, are going to be anxious about using this opportunity because received wisdom says that cons are for:
making deals
meeting editors and agents
and most of all
selling your work.
Steve Miller
passed along this
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Another problem is when authors are rude to people in panels or con events. I think of Bear treating Peter Dube like crap at a Readercon.
I'm sorry that Peter Dube (who is an astoundingly good writer) had this experience with Bear, who in my own experience has been inclusive and friendly. But this is the downside of so many people pressed together for a short number of days: the intensity can shortcircuit.
The best approach IMO is for panelists to (a) stick to the subject and either (or both) (b) be funny or (c) recommend other interesting books or articles that are not by anyone present including themselves---be generous.
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