Yuletide letter

Oct 26, 2019 12:21

Thank you for volunteering to write my little fandom, I already love you :)

I hope I gave you plenty of ideas to play with and inspire you. I've tried to give you lots of scope, but if you find you can't work with them, or if you have another brilliant idea that excites you to write, then don't feel locked in to my prompts. I really believe the most important thing about Yuletide is writing a story that you're enthusiastic about and have fun writing.

Just briefly with the likes/dislikes - I love character driven stories that focus on relationships (either ships or devoted friendships), add as much or as little plot as you like. I don't mind angst, as long as there's a happy ending.
I enjoy all the tropes: undercover as gay/married, only one bed, soulbonds, sex pollen etc

- major character death
- rape
- partner betrayal
- established relationship (unless their getting together is in flashbacks or something)
- Unrequited
- A/B/O
- mundane AU's (canon divergence, or really funky AU's are fine)

Regulars Guys | Echte Kerle

Prompt -
I would love to see Chris realise that he CAN be gay for Edgar. Maybe having him ineptly attempt to woo Edgar might be fun? Or if you have another idea you’d like to run with, that’s awesome too. I generally prefer character driven rather than PWPs - I like hot porn as much as the next slasher but I like a believable exploration of how the characters get there so it certainly doesn’t have to be detailed. But because Chris has had to completely reassess his identity and ability to have sex with a man, I wouldn’t mind some insight into what he’s feeling when he does take the leap. If you don’t want to write them getting together that’s cool, but it'd be awesome if Chris and Edgar’s friendship could be a main focus. Whatever you choose to write will be awesome as long as you have fun writing it.

Extra squee -
Just random things I love about the film, mostly I never get to rave about how much I love them:

I love how Chris is bemused by the whole thing - his developing feelings for Edgar, his jealousy of Marco, the uncertainty of not knowing if he did have sex with a man and not rejecting outright the possibility that something COULD have happened. How disconcerted he was about Mike and Edgar suddenly apparently boyfriends now.

I love that Edgar is so genuinely nice, and completely in love with Chris, that scene where he looks at a dozing Chris and murmurs just a little sadly about having fallen for him at first sight. And the teasing, the goggles ‘Du machst mir blind.’ I HAVE SO MUCH LOVE.

Fyra år till | Four More Years

Optional prompts -
- Coming out to the press and/or their parties/constituents.
- Their first time. Would love David's POV on this - how did he feel when Martin first kissed him, how overwhelming was their first night, realising he could want/love a man.
- Either POV (or both, why not both? *G*) of the moment they each realise that what they feel is love (eg there's a moment when Martin tries to tell David that he's never felt like that before and is interrupted - did he realise when David was sharing his childhood memories, or was it the first night or sometime else).

Just briefly with the likes/dislikes - I love character driven stories that focus on relationships (either ships or devoted friendships), add as much or as little plot as you like. Please, please, NO character death, rape, partner betrayal etc. I don't mind angst, as long as there's a happy ending. I am all about TEH HAPPY.

I do have a specific DNW for this fandom. I don't know much about Sweden but going by the film they seem pretty chill, so no overt homophobia or slurs if you write a 'coming out' fic, or if there are any scenes where people see/recognise them.

Green Wing

Prompt -
Alan/Boyce is my OTP, not gonna lie. I'm hoping since you volunteered to write a (sort of) canon pairing you had some idea of what you were in for *g*

A few OPTIONAL ideas
- a happy ending for them, omg.
- what went on the night of the auction and/or the morning after
- any getting them together 'first time' fic, can just be them realising they want to be together if you'd rather keep it G rated.

If you'd rather not write actual slash, I'd be rapt for anything like their onscreen shenannigans, with Boyce winding Alan up, flirting with him etc. (Just NOT with that cruel edge that Boyce occasionally had).

Extra squee -
For anyone who happens by, I did a brief pimp post several years ago here - a few clips from it below -

Boyce songvid This is just a heap of clips of Boyce (it has a lot of Alan/Boyce scenes, yay)

Boyce flirting with Alan

Beach Party - Mac and Guy in the foreground, but watch Alan and Boyce come through the doors *g*

fic exchange, green wing, gay movies, yuletide letter, yuletide

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