Life is good. and by life in this instance, I mean fandom.

Dec 18, 2015 23:04

Ha, I've spent two months procrastinating on my Yuletide fic and finally managed a 2k fic (now with beta), and am FREE to write in my shiny new fandom instead and I've written 2k of Sense8 fic since yesterday already and have no idea where I want to even go with the story yet. Wheee.

I saw a rec for a Sense8 vid which basically said 'I finally found a good Sense8 vid and it's good, and not especially plot spoilery, i guess? in that it doesn't try to tell the overarching plot?

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When it autoplayed the next one I wasn't hopeful, esp when it became apparent it utilised the technique of having the characters words audible at key points, but as it happens I loved it because it's all the Sensates helping each other through their problems/traumas and I am ALL about their soul bond. If you're still reading this and haven't seen the show but plan to watch this anyway, what you need to know is none of these people have ever met in real life.

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sense8, intensely focussed, youtube

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