Sense8 rambling

Dec 14, 2015 23:32

I should be in bed but am, unsurprisingly, watching Sense8. I did graciously allow us to watch a couple eps of Z Nation and an ep of Grimm firs, so we are all caught up on those.

I am very much enjoying this season Grimm. I like the idea of the Wesen Uprising, and love Adeline and Nick figuring out how to be parents together. Is it bad that I am sort of shipping them now? I always felt horribly guilty for not liking Juliet more, though in my defence she was so two dimensional in the first season I thought they were planning on killing her off, so was happy when they finally gave her some plot and loved when she became one of the Scoobies - some of my fave scenes in the show to this day are when Nick and Hank and Rosalie and Monroe and Juliet ere researching Wesen and discussing (and Wu, too, eventually, yay!)

Just now:
Dragonfly - Do you know what time it is?
Me - Yes. Why?
Dfly - 'Cause you're normally in bed by now.
Me - When was the last time I had me a fandom obsession? I am currently blogging about Sense8 and the fact that I am watching Sense8.
Dfly *smiles approvingly*

-- Yesterday, while watching hours and hours of Sense8, I was scrolling through the sense8 tag on tumblr and madly reblogging stuff, probably just as well I only have 7 followers. After a while I realised I wasn't seeing any Capheous, which annoyed me because I get quite defensive when people claim that fangirls are only interested in White Guys Fucking (I know I'm a bit notallfangirls# about the whole thing) so it peeves me when they are not completely wrong *sigh*. Eventually I switched to the capheous tag and yay, there were heaps, and I didn't even get to the end of those because after a while tumblr decided I'd reblogged enough for one day and cut me off.

-- I see the internet appears to be of the opinion that Rajan actually funds Whispers through his pharmaceutical company and that's why he courted Kala so determinedly, and I admit I kept expecting him to turn out to be the bad guy and was pleasantly surprised that he apparently just is that nice of a guy (I kept commenting that 'hell, I'D marry him!'. I hope they don't go that obvious plot direction next season. Though how he could have known Kala was a sensate before she was 'born' would have to be explained.

-- Dragonfly is currently fully supporting my decision to rewind twice the adorable scene where Lito pops in to help and Will's like 'do I know you?' and Lito smoulders 'yes, we had sex' and Will gets all tongue-tied and pulls amusing embarrassed faces.

-- I read the Yuletide letters less than half the way through the season and was impressed that most people seemed to love all the sensates, but was a bit like, well I love them all but am less interested in Wolfgang and Riley *shrug* and then by the end of the season I was like, MY BABIES.

-- I saw some meta about queer sexuality in the show which was interesting, especially their reading of the group sex scene, where they say:

and can we further talk about the very deliberate juxtapositioning of their reactions to it: because Will is clearly interested in Riley, and Wolfgang is clearly interested in Kala, but whereas Will gets completely caught up in the moment and comes (it’s implied) when Lito does, Wolfgang is completely unaffected, not because he’s a non-sexual character, but because we see Kala walk past in his vision at the start of the scene and his entire focus is on her: he’s not aroused because she’s not a participant

because that's not how I read that scene at all. I assumed that as non-physical participants their arousal was purely mental, and that's why we clearly see that Wolfgang wasn't physically aroused, and that Will's jolt upright was more of a 'WTF gay sex just happened' and a self consciousness from being in public, whereas Wolfgang being German has less hang ups about sex. Interested in what other people think?

sense8, intensely focussed

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