When shows change canon

Jul 19, 2012 22:19

I was looking for True Blood artwork and found a nice one here on this site complaining about the changes to the canon in the show - spoilers for books (This is the artist Kittrose on devianart)

I didn’t read much because I didn’t want to spoiler myself obviously, but this person seems seriously grumpy.

I’ve never seen the point of hating on other adaptions/changes - worst case scenario, you don’t like it. Oh well, just ignore it and enjoy the original text. But I like to think of changes as a new way of exploring/expanding the characters…like fanworks. I will admit it’s much easier to watch a movie, then read the book, because the movie can only show you so much, you can then read about all the bits you loved in more detail, or find out why characters did what they did, or what they were actually thinking during key bits. (Perfect example - D'Arcy’s thought processes in P&P when he had his epiphany about what a dick he was and how badly he’d treated the woman he loved are breath-stealing).

Going from the book to the movie is a bit more scary, because when you’ve loved the books your imagination has already locked in characters in certain ways, so when the movie/show takes it in other directions it can be disappointing. Still, it’s not always a bad thing. For example, when Temeraire eventually gets made into movies, if they were to have Harcourt decide to give up being a captain and stay home to have Riley’s babies I would be ROPABLE - on the other hand if they decided to have Anne give up her conventional comfortable life and run away to become part of Laurence’s crew, I would be totally RAPT (ooh, and possibly after a while she’d live in sin with him, Laurence would be SHOCKED and insist on Getting Married Immediately after their first adrenaline-filled post-battle encounter, and Anne would Refuse because she wasn’t sure Laurence really wanted to and also she’s not sure she wants to give up her newfound freedom because she is afraid Laurence would expect her to go live with his parents and have babies, OH GODS NOW I NEED SOMEONE TO WRITE THIS)

ANYHOW, my point is, True Blood the show is apparently very different from the books and as far as I’m concerned, more power to them - now I can enjoy the books almost like a whole new story. I’m reading the first book and loving it - I don’t know why but I was expecting it to be not very well written, but it is, yay! And so far, even MORE gay than the show.

MUCH GAYER in the book. I’m hoping that’s a theme that’s going to hold true, because considering how much plot-related and even incidental gay there is in the show, these books are promising to be extremely Relevant to My Interests.

p&p, temeraire, vampires, meta

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