Someone described 1.17 as the one where they've 'started your kidfic for you'

Jun 20, 2012 23:36

Ha, checking today to make sure Person of Interest has been renewed, this from a list of renewed shows at -

tl:dr the male writer wrote----

Person of Interest: One of the biggest surprises of the season. Can't wait for more sexual tension between Reese and Finch. Also, this is the only CBS show that I actually watch.

Reece goes about his work.

*gently* "Give me the grenade"

"I told you to hide your arsenal!"
"I was going to."

Putting her into the baby harness Finch is now wearing.

Finch showing Reece how to change her.

Discussing the case.

Letting Leila point at the screen.


Protecting Leila

Looking at her safely with her family.

"Do you ever want kids?"
*Finch says something dismissive*
"I suppose...not in our line of work."

intensely focussed, picspam

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