Person of Interest stuff

Jun 20, 2012 12:07

Okay, it’s random, but it’s Finch coming to Reece’s rescue, risking himself and being all defiant at the threat.

Got up to 1.16 last night. The great thing about being able to mainline shows is the huge fandom hit…the downside is running out of episodes too quickly. *cries* And there isn’t really a fandom for this yet. NEED MOAR SEASONS.

In the last ep I saw, Reece goes back to the abandoned warehouse he lived in when he was homeless and a drunk, and sees a homeless lady he knew.

Reece - Thank you for looking after me when I needed it.
Woman - Who’s looking after you now?
Reece *softly* Someone new.

And then the scene switches to Finch’s face (he’d been listening in) looking all soft and surprised. I WANT TO HUG THEM BOTH.

Scenes of some of their banter on youtube

intensely focussed

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