Cute little Haven picspam from ep 2.06

May 13, 2012 01:31

Jason Priestley has shown up on Haven. You know, he's actually quite attractive now he's got some miles on him. I like the beat up unshaven look he's got going.

SO, some people in Haven are 'troubled', which means they have something supernatural going on. It can be anything from superdeadly to...Chris, who suffers from POPULARITY. Basically, as long as people are looking at him, they love him and think he's fantastic. Audrey, for reasons that don't need exploring at this juncture, is immune.

Nathan - "You called him? You know the effect he has on me!"

"Oh, this is how you're going to deal with this? By not looking at me?"

Audrey suggests plan of action, Nathan takes her arm to say something but accidentally catches sight of Chris "Don't go, it could be dangerous" *stares at Chris worriedly*

*speaks as if to a small child* "Don't worry, I'll be fine"

Nathan *nods hesitantly, looking worried*


Nathan walks past Chris into bar...

Chris stares after him, vaguely exasperated

Duke stares at Chris "What a great guy!!!"

Nathan - "Chris is troubled"


"Don't look at him and you won't get all...mancrush"

"But..." *inadvertantly looks* *sigh*

Nathan gets Duke's attention

"Oh, god, you couldn't have told me this earlier?"


--la la we're not looking at you--

haven, show rec, picspam

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