Not keeping my resolution about ratio of RL to fannish posts

May 12, 2012 23:00

I think the Alinta (gas company) people like to mess with us and only send out the scary red OMG YOU'LL BE DISCONNECTED TOMORROW UNLESS YOU PAY US YESTERDAY notices, which of course don't actually contain the information you need to actually pay them, so you spend several days futiley searching for the original bill before having to negotiate their automated phone system to eventually get to a human to grovel to in order to find out how much you actually owe and your customer number.

The alternative is that Dragonfly and I just repeatedly lose our Alinta bills. Which is more likely, really?

Anyway, last week the Alinta person asked me if I'd prefer emailed bills in future and at my OH GOD YES PLEASE reaction, helpfully set it up for me, yay! No more lost bills.

Also, Perth people! Did you know you can get an email or SMS reminder for your car licence? Now we don't have rego stickers to remind us, I think this is a Very Useful Thing.


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