Wuff. What a week.
I still have proposals to get out, and I've hit another bermuda triangle of 'dissappearing clients'. Several people I've been in touch with in regards to current or upcoming projects seem to have have completely fallen off the planet. I imagine that two or more of these people will get back to me at the same time, its just the way it happens.
Looking forward to a VERY busy year. B&O taxes are done, I eneded up paying Point two PERCENT (0.2%) of what I made. Yay for no taxes on services! holeee smokes. I hope it stays that way. Now I've just gotta look forward to what is likely to be a royal butt-reaming from the Fed. Depending on how that goes, I'm starting to see self-employment as worth it if I continue, even counting the year and a half of HELL I went through starting out.
Mike is hip deep in his novel, meaning conversation is off limits, if he's not writing he's thinking about what he's going to write. I'm completely sympathetic to this, keeping the business in the black doesn't give me that luxury during the day, and it also means that phone conversations need to be taken outside whenever possible, I've been forgetful on occasion.
The fucking heater went out on us again. Christ. Too many moving parts on that thing: Thermostat registers low temperature, sends signal to circuit board(new), Fan turns on, board detetcts fan turning on, igniter turns on, gas valve opens up, igniter ignites propane, causes flame, fan blows hot air into beastie. It's lovely when it works. This time the igniter will light the gas, but there's not enough gas coming out to keep it lit, either that or the valve is closing. So we get heat for half a second, then the fan continues to blow cold air into the house. We have to take it in early Monday morning to get it looked at.
For now we've got wee the electric heater, which is good for fuck-all if we're not plugged in, like Saturday, when we plan to help
Oponn move, and then hopefully hit the party at
Mike discovered the power of the Uber sleeping bag when I put it over him at Rustycon when the battery ran out. It has not left the bed since, save when it was pushed off by me, who was sweating out all her fluids in it's sauna-like embrace. Its power is such I've found myself draping a leg like a cooling fin out of that sleeping bag in 17 degree weather, after awaking drenched with sweat.
The only real problem for me in an unplugged situation is getting any computer work done is out of the question unless doing it while IN the sleeping bag. I think Mike is capable of freezing to death in 70 degree weather, leaving the morning coffee making and other preparations to me.
Its not as convenient as an American house, but it ain't camping, either. The biggest advantage of living in the beastie at this point is when we go somewhere overnight we don't have to pack.
GOAL: Grow business enough for RV repairs or replacement, trips to Dad's, the UK & Bougainville.
Shouldn't be that hard, its not like I have anything else planned. :P