Happy Robbie Burns Day!

Jan 25, 2007 12:32

I have to, cuz I'm dating a Scot. He's even making me wear his plaid... excuse me, his tartan.

But, super cute skirt. So I'll stop complaining about that bit. As long as he stops complaining about the boots and completely mismatched tee shirt.


People, there is haggis in my fridge. Haggis. It's there quite often. He enjoys it, for some reason. And when he makes it, I leave the house.

But it's there. Everytime I open the fridge, it stares at me. And I have to eat it tonight. I'm tempted to buy a brisket of corned beef and a head of cabbage and try to outstink him.

Hmm. Corned beef. Actually, that's a good idea. *adds to list*

There's a dinner tonight (as is traditional) and he wants to go, or at least attempt going, even though he's sick. I'm certainly not going to complain about seeing my boyfriend in a kilt.

No, I don't have problems.

I dunno. I suppose it's no different than a sausage, right? And if I keep telling myself that, I'll be able to eat it?

Uh, no.

It is kinda fun seeing all the people wandering around in different color pla...tartans, pardon. Silly American, me.

Although, skirt? 24*? Not my favorite. Thank god for tights. In fact, I love tights. I hated them when  I was younger, but I love them now. Is that sad?

I'm feeling better today. Much better. There appears to be something true in what they say about getting enough sleep. I'm in a relatively hyper mood, but that might be the four glasses of kool-aid I've had?

Oh well. Off to do crap.

daterer, random post is random

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