Rambling Sari Update Post of DOOM.

Jan 24, 2007 14:31


Some of you may remember me as The Girl Who Used to Post Every Day. Remember those good old days? What's happened, you asked?

Simple. My life has gone to shit.

But enough about that.

There are so many more things that I should do than post. There's the two books I have to finish, the stories I have to finish, the greeting cards I have to make, the homework I have to do, the cleaning I have to do and then there's the taking care of Dave and getting things ready for him to have surgery and making sure his student aides have what they need to last another two weeks without him teaching. There's two in particular and they read this journal on occasion, so I want to say thanks from both of us to Lucy and Tom for being so incredibly invaluable.

This post is going to end up about 5 hours late from when I actually started it. David had an appointment to get some pre-op stuff done, but I ended up taking him to the urgent care clinic because he was in pain. So they upped his pain meds, gave him a shot and we're hoping he holds out til Friday morning.

Can anyone say 'stressed'?

But at the same time, I feel so selfish. I'm sitting here bitching about the hell hole that has become my life (are you sure you want to be my friend? I hear it's catching...) when my boyfriend is passed out in the bed because of the amount of pain meds they had to give him just so he could breathe. Or when my parents' anniversary is in less than a month and my dad is alone.  Or when other people have problems. My problems aren't anymore important than anyone elses.

I just complain more.


I'm gonna try this posting thing again.

daterer, random post is random

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