recap: my "goals" for 2009: EPIC FAIL

Dec 26, 2009 21:36

Now I get to retype all this, because LJ ate it.

As previously stated.

1) While not quite where I'd like to be, I'm doing much better than I was this time last year. I find it much easier to say no to frivolous things, though I do sometimes indulge.

2) Moving on...

3 - 6) Win, so much awesometacular win! I am awesome. I have a third of the stuff I had when this year began. It's so much easier to keep everything neat and tidy and organized. My OCD has completely kicked into overdrive because I'm off my meds and now I find myself a lot more strict on putting things away. My closet (#6) is probably the neatest, most organized, most sparse place in the house.

7) Yeeeeah. Not even close. I'm going to add this one to next year's list because I really want to do it. I'm going to allow previously read books, because there's a few I want to reread.

8) This is hit and miss. I go months without pop but then I'll get a taste and drink nothing but pop for a week or a month...until I get a taste for something else and therefore forget about pop. So, I'll sort of half-count it. I do need to drink more water at home/on weekends, too.

9) Ignore this one.

10) Number 10? What's that?

holidays: new years 10, year in review

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