Slightly less but still mostly fail

Nov 29, 2009 15:30

My iTunes is doing better. I broke 1K finally. I've HAD the music, I just, you know, have been lazy. So yay, I win.

The StormChasers season finale is on tonight. D= I love this show. I shouldn't cuz, hi, tornadoes are scary in person, etc and all that, but I LOVE it. I'm SO excited for the finale, but also sad.

And hungry.

I got my hair cut. Not like, CUT. But super-trimmed. It was getting gnarly. My hair gets to a certain point and it gets all over the place. Because I have a ton ass of hair. I sat down in the chair and the lady - I've never seen this woman in my life - was like "holy geez, you have a TON of hair."


I was unaware.

Thanks for letting me know.

So I've gotten into the habit of keeping it on the shorter side. Anywhere from mid-neck to mid-arm.

Of course, being my dorktacular self, I ALWAYS get it cut short right before winter. I don't know why I do this.

Also, after my friend left, I went back to Target and proceeded to spend my grocery money on clothes. But um, cute > food, SO. It's all good.

But no socks, Ashy!

People. I need socks. I REALLY need socks. My address is over there <--. Won't you just think of the children feet?

Okay, I have socks. Technically. I have work socks and I have athletic socks. But all of my fun stripey and colorful socks have disintegrated. And all the ones I saw at ALL the stores we went to this weekend (more than once! <3) were not fun and awesome. Not enough for me. Or they were knee highs, which I dislike.

Now I'm going to go eat an early supper because I'm hungry.

i'm hungry, i'm hungry and awesome, i'm awesome, random, hair, itunes, a typical day is a pretty boring day

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